LEGO Movie – New Trailer, Set Images and Minifigure Series!

With the release of the LEGO Movie rapidly approaching (Feb 2014) we are starting to get lots of details popping up.

When the idea of a full feature film based on LEGO was announced there were quite a few people who thought it was a bad idea, but this new information has Bricking Around firmly believing that it is going to be a smash hit in terms of the movies success and the related LEGO products.

First up, a brand new full length trailer

As a LEGO fan blog we can’t help but notice the incredible attention to detail that has gone into the film. It really feels like a world made out of LEGO. Check out this still from the trailer…
LEGO Movie Trailer Still
This the background of a shot with main character Emmett driving down a street. This corner of the building is on screen for a fraction of a second, but it is still perfectly designed using actual LEGO parts. The technic pin through the 1×1 technic brick, the brick pattern brick, the parts being not quite fully pushed together – it looks like something that was built, not something that was rendered.

LEGO Movie tie-in set Cloud Cuckoo Palace announced

LEGO Uni-Kitty Cuckoo Cloud Palace

Yahoo Movies has shown off one of the first LEGO Movie sets. Cloud Cuckoo Palace features Emmett, Wyldstyle, Executron and a character named Uni-Kitty (voiced by Alison Brie). The brick-built Uni-kitty looks adorable, and the set itself certainly looks like the sort of place you’d expect to find a uni-kitty hanging out.

Collectible Minifigures Series 12

LEGO CMF Series 12

It had been rumoured for a while now that series 12 of the Collectible Minifigures would feature characters from the movie, and Brick Fanatics has confirmed that with a picture of all 16 of the new figures. The new line-up includes some characters seen in the new trailer as well as some currently unknown characters. The full list is

  • William Shakespeare
  • Gail the Construction Worker
  • Panda Guy
  • Abraham Lincoln
  • Taco Tuesday Guy
  • Larry the Barista
  • President Business
  • Calamity Drone
  • Marsha Queen of the Mermaids
  • Wild West Wyldstyle
  • Scribbe-Face Bad Cop
  • Velma Staplebot
  • Hard Hat Emmet
  • “Where are my Pants?” Guy
  • Mrs. Scratchen-Post
  • Wiley Fusebot.

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