With the release of the LEGO Movie rapidly approaching (Feb 2014) we are starting to get lots of details popping up.
When the idea of a full feature film based on LEGO was announced there were quite a few people who thought it was a bad idea, but this new information has Bricking Around firmly believing that it is going to be a smash hit in terms of the movies success and the related LEGO products.
First up, a brand new full length trailer
As a LEGO fan blog we can’t help but notice the incredible attention to detail that has gone into the film. It really feels like a world made out of LEGO. Check out this still from the trailer…
This the background of a shot with main character Emmett driving down a street. This corner of the building is on screen for a fraction of a second, but it is still perfectly designed using actual LEGO parts. The technic pin through the 1×1 technic brick, the brick pattern brick, the parts being not quite fully pushed together – it looks like something that was built, not something that was rendered.
LEGO Movie tie-in set Cloud Cuckoo Palace announced
Yahoo Movies has shown off one of the first LEGO Movie sets. Cloud Cuckoo Palace features Emmett, Wyldstyle, Executron and a character named Uni-Kitty (voiced by Alison Brie). The brick-built Uni-kitty looks adorable, and the set itself certainly looks like the sort of place you’d expect to find a uni-kitty hanging out.
Collectible Minifigures Series 12
It had been rumoured for a while now that series 12 of the Collectible Minifigures would feature characters from the movie, and Brick Fanatics has confirmed that with a picture of all 16 of the new figures. The new line-up includes some characters seen in the new trailer as well as some currently unknown characters. The full list is
- William Shakespeare
- Gail the Construction Worker
- Panda Guy
- Abraham Lincoln
- Taco Tuesday Guy
- Larry the Barista
- President Business
- Calamity Drone
- Marsha Queen of the Mermaids
- Wild West Wyldstyle
- Scribbe-Face Bad Cop
- Velma Staplebot
- Hard Hat Emmet
- “Where are my Pants?” Guy
- Mrs. Scratchen-Post
- Wiley Fusebot.
Can’t get the “Everything is Awesome” song out of my head! I must hear the full version!!
It’s very catchy!
Cant wait for the Movie and would love to see a making of doco for sure!