2014 LEGO Star Wars Set Details Leak Online

The sneak peaks at 2014 sets just keep coming. This time it is the 2014 Star Wars lineup, via a user on the Eurobricks LEGO forum.

The set images that have been released so far show a lot of prequel related sets, and not a lot from the original trilogy. Hopefully that will change when the full lineup is released.

It also seems that LEGO is moving away from flick-fire missiles, with most of these sets featuring a new spring-loaded shooter.

Be sure to check out all of the images and set names below.

75034 Death Star Troopers
75034 Death Star Troopers
75035 Kashyyyk Troopers
Kashyyyk Troopers
75036 Utapau Troopers
75036 Utapau Troopers
75037 Battle on Saleucami
75037 Battle on Saleucami
75038 Jedi Interceptor
75038 Jedi Interceptor
75039 V-Wing Starfighter
75039 V-Wing Starfighter
75040 General Grievous' Wheel Bike
75040 General Grievous’ Wheel Bike
75041 Vulture Droid
75041 Vulture Droid
75042 Droid Gunship
75042 Droid Gunship
75043 AT-AP
75043 AT-AP
75045 Republic AV-7 Anti-Vehicle Cannon
75045 Republic AV-7 Anti-Vehicle Cannon

Images via Brickshelf via Eurobricks

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