We received an email from one of the producers of this LEGO stop motion video and wanted to share it with our readers. The team behind this video have done a great job and the end result is a really high quality stop motion film.
William Shatner travels back to Elizabethan England in a giant robot to destroy William Shakespeare. Patrick Stewart beams in to the rescue and must team up with Action Bill to defeat the ShatnerBot.
Everyone at AMAA Productions put a lot of love and effort in creating this LEGO stop motion short film. We had 14 days of production to animate a 5:07 film and had no idea what we were in for.
4700ish frames later and we started stitching the pictures together and adding laser beams, smoke, fire, explosions, and more to produce a film that we are really proud of.
We hope you enjoy watching Action Bill as much as we did making it 🙂
Thanks to Dustin for sharing this. We are always on the look-out for great LEGO related projects. If you are doing something cool or have built something you think we should see then get in touch!