$15000 Worth Of LEGO Stolen In Victoria

A toy store in Seymour, north of Melbourne has been robbed twice in under a fortnight and each time the thieves have had an eye specifically for LEGO.

Police have revealed that the offenders broke into the store in Station Street just over a week ago and made off with $10,000 worth of our favourite brick. It is believed the same offenders then returned sometime between Sunday afternoon and Monday morning and stole an additional $5,000 worth of sets. Police have specifically mentioned LEGO City and Technic, but the stock taken may not be limited to these themes.

“They’ve removed the entire glass panel from a front automatic sliding door,” Detective Senior Constable Porter said. This has lead police to believe that this was the work of a group, and that somebody involved has glazing experience.

Unfortunately for the store owner the criminals don’t seem to be quite as dumb as the bad guys we find in LEGO city; police report that the CCTV hard drive was taken during the first heist and had not been replaced in time to catch the second incident.

It is highly likely that these sets are destined for resale. We urge all of our readers to keep an eye out for sellers dealing in particularly large quantities, who don’t have a regular history of LEGO sales. Your favourite bricklink seller isn’t a likely suspect, but a new eBay account with a lot of sets listed should raise alarm bells.

Theft is always a horrible subject, but this is particularly troubling for LEGO fans. Australian retail prices are already higher than many of us would like; theft (including shoplifting) will lead to retailers spending more on security, and less money on sales.

We urge anyone who may have witnessed the incident or seen suspicious activity in the area to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or on their website

1 thought on “$15000 Worth Of LEGO Stolen In Victoria

  1. Dave Reply

    All the more reason for people to not buy Lego from eBay scalpers. I only buy it from proper, physical stores.

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