Channel 7 Giving Away Behind The Scenes LEGO Movie Tour

As part of a promotion to celebrate the release of The LEGO Movie on DVD and Blu-ray in Australia the Channel 7 news program Sunday Night is running a competition that we think will be popular with our readers.


One lucky winner (plus three guests) will be flown to Sydney and receive a two hour exclusive behind the scenes tour of Animal Logic at Fox Studios (the animation team behind The LEGO Movie).

There are also 50 LEGO Movie prize packs to give away. The packs include The LEGO movie on DVD , The LEGO Movie Welcome pack, The LEGO Movie Emmet key ring, Pyjama Emmet Minifigure and The LEGO Movie Awesome Adventures book.

To enter you have to upload a photo of your best LEGO creation. We think our readers have a good chance of coming out on top.

Click on the image above to enter the competition.

Via Sunday Night

2 thoughts on “Channel 7 Giving Away Behind The Scenes LEGO Movie Tour

    • Michael Post authorReply

      It looks like the competition has been removed from the website. I believe the competition is now closed, so the winners should be notified soon.

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