New Hobbit Sets Now Available

The final instalment of The Hobbit film trilogy may not hit Australian cinemas until December but like Smaug emerging from the Lonely Mountain the tie-in LEGO sets have been unleashed on the world.

These sets are schedule for Australian retail release in October (according the the catalogue) so will hopefully be appearing soon. There are also a few other buying options.

79015 Witch-king Battle

LEGO Online$22.99Link

79016 Attack on Lake-town

LEGO Online$59.99Link

79017 The Battle of Five Armies

LEGO Online$99.99Link

79018 The Lonely Mountain

LEGO Online$189.99Link

Unfortunately the drop in the Australian dollar has made the Amazon prices less impressive than they once were. The shipping on 79017 from Amazon was quite high; we aren’t sure why.

Currently Shopforme have the best deal overall, but The Lonely Mountain is not actually in stock yet.

Amazon pricing is based on Amazon currency conversion option (as on 17th October 2014) and shipping to our Brisbane address.

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