75059 Sandcrawler Spotted At Big W

We have just received some more news from our Sandcrawler tipster Colin that we thought we would share.

Big W stores may already have stock – We were sent this picture of the Sandcrawler in stock at Big W Campbelltown

Sandcrawler Spotted At Big W

Stock is likely to be limited – We were told that the Campbelltown store received just four of these sets in total.

They are scanning at $398 – Even though the catalogue they appear in doesn’t start until the 30th, the sets are already scanning at the price of $398. It’s possible that this is Big W’s regular price for the set.

If you are interested in grabbing one of these sets it may be a good idea to call your local Big W and see if they have them already. If other stores received similar stock allocations then this could be hard to track down once the catalogue comes out.

7 thoughts on “75059 Sandcrawler Spotted At Big W

  1. Glen Reply

    Big W Lilydale got their stock yesterday and were even willing to put one aside for me. I can confirm it scans up at $398 at the register also.

    Can’t wait to get around to building it!

  2. Dave Reply

    As someone who has worked in retail, I can confirm that calling a big store like Big W to ask if they have a common item in stock is a major annoyance to the underpaid, overworked staff. The sandcrawler appeared in the catalogue; that means every Big W is supposed to have it.

  3. PTM Reply

    Try the bigger KMart stores – they get theirs first and already have some. The smaller ones will only get them on Tue or Wed and put out first thing Thu morn so you will need to be quick. Although it is KMart policy not to put on hold catalogue items I have found each store is different and some ‘nicer’ staff will take your name and call you when they come in. Above all be nice to the staff and they will be nice to you!

    • PTM Reply

      Sorry meant to say BigW – selling fast – City and Doncaster only have 2 left. Most others already sold out

  4. Cam Reply

    I know the WA stores now have them i picked mine up today. Need to ask as they are keeping them out the back.

  5. Garrick Peters Reply

    Do not waste your time trying Big W, not on the shelves and staff cannot find it??? the joys of living in the back water of Australia (Adeliade)

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