On Sale: Kmart Pre-Christmas Sale On Now

This may come as a shock, but Christmas day is just 8 weeks away. With the holiday quickly approaching we are pleased to see that Kmart are helping out with a pre-Christmas sale on selected sets. They are also offering an eight week lay-buy option, so you can pay off your purchases between now and the big day.

This sale runs from Today (27th October 2014) until Sunday 9th November.

We have included a breakdown of all the offers below.

You can view the catalogue for this sale here

Set #Set NamePriceRegular Kmart PriceFull RRPFull RRP DiscountFull RRP Discount %
60060Auto Transporter$25.00$35.00$39.99$14.9937%
60061Airport Fire Truck$25.00$35.00$39.99$14.9937%
75051Jedi Scout Fighter$79.00$99.00$99.99$20.9921%
75055Imperial Star Destroyer$159.00$199.00$199.99$40.9920%
75038Jedi Interceptor$29.00$35.00$39.99$10.9927%
75039V-Wing Starfighter$29.00$35.00$39.99$10.9927%
75040General Grevious' Wheel Bike$29.00$35.00$39.99$10.9927%
75041Vulture Droid$29.00$35.00$39.99$10.9927%
42028Technic Bulldozer$55.00$69.00$69.99$14.9921%
42029Customised Pickup Truck$99.00$129.00$139.99$40.9929%
42026Black Champion$23.00$29.00$29.99$6.9923%
42027Desert Racer$23.00$29.00$29.99$6.9923%
60051High-speed Passenger Train$159.00$199.00$229.99$70.9931%
60036Arctic Base Camp *$95.00$115.00$129.99$34.9927%
41058Heartlake Shopping Mall *$129.00$135.00$159.99$30.9919%
41035Heartlake Juice Bar$29.00$34.00$39.99$10.9927%
41055Cinderella Castle$79.00$89.00$99.99$20.9921%

Items marked with * are listed as “Our Price” so we believe these are regular prices, rather than a limited discount.


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