Proof The LEGO Surveys Actually Do Give Away Prizes

If you have ever built a LEGO set you will know that at the end of the instructions there is page telling you to complete a survey for your chance to win a prize.

With so many people buying LEGO every day surely there is very little chance of actually winning? We received a message last night from one of our readers that may just change your opinion on those surveys;

For years we have been completing the online surveys, for every Lego set we’ve purchased, never really knowing if anyone wins the “prize”. We’ve completed hundreds of surveys over 4 years and finally one day we received an email from the Lego Group saying we had won a prize in the survey.

The email had a legal document for us to complete declaring we had complied with the terms of the survey.  We filled it out and emailed it back.

A couple of days later we received another email, this time from the LEGO Shop with a copy of our “invoice” for our “purchase” (thankfully with a nil balance).  The invoice said our purchase was Set No. 60064 Arctic Supply Plane.  This set has 374 pieces and sells for $79 in the Australian online LEGO store  (it’s also listed in the Hard to Find section).

About 10 days later our prize arrived in the mail, exactly as stated.

So there’s our LEGO Survey story.  We haven’t ever come across anyone who’s won so we were pretty excited, especially after years of surveys.

Congratulations to Lee on proving that LEGO does actually give out prizes for survey responses.

Next time you get to that last page of the instructions remember that it’s not impossible to win.

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