Amazon Offer Update

If you look over to the right of the page you may notice a slight change in our Amazon offers. At the moment we have switched out our Amazon US offers for two great deals from the UK version of Amazon.

There are two reasons for the change; firstly are blocking international shipping again and secondly the deals are pretty great.

Here are the specific details of the two offers

60052 Cargo Train
Can currently be shipped from Amazon UK for AU$197.43. That is a saving of $102 off the Australian RRP of $299.99 (around 34% off).

42030 Volvo L350F Wheel Loader
Can currently be shipped from Amazon UK for AU$281.73. That is a saving of $78 off the Australian RRP of $359.99 (around 21.7% off).

EDIT: As pointed out by Nick in the comments this set can be purchased from Australian retailer Shopforme for just $251.99. A much better offer and it supports an Australian business. You can view the deal here.

Prices are based on the Amazon currency conversion option (as on 18/11/2014) and delivery to our Brisbane address.

7 thoughts on “Amazon Offer Update

  1. Doug Reply

    Will the block apply to current orders or just new ones? I currently have an package sitting in customs in the US.

    • Michael Post authorReply

      If it has already left the Amazon warehouse you should be fine, it’s just an Amazon internal policy.

  2. Edwin Reply

    Stiiiiilll waiting for the Exo-Suit to be available at Toys R Us or similar here in Aus… I wish Amazon would loosen up!

  3. Nick Reply

    People are better off buying the Volvo from shopforme – they have it at 30% off with free delivery. And it will be delivered in just a few days.

    • Michael Post authorReply

      Thanks Nick, we will have a look for a different deal to replace it. We always prefer the local option if it is on par with international offers.

  4. Altonius Reply has the Volvo wheeloader for $252 at the moment (click frenzy)

  5. James Reply

    So I have ordered the train from Amazon UK. at $197.43 delivered I could not resist.

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