On Sale: Selected Star Wars Sets Reduced At Big W

It’s been a little bit quiet on the LEGO news front this week, so we were excited to hear about some savings to be had. It may not be much, but we’ll take it.

From tomorrow (Thursday 12th March 2015) until Wednesday 18th March, Big W are reducing the price of some of the new 2015 Star Wars sets.

We have included a list below, with the discounts on each of the sets. As we mentioned, it’s not much.

You can view the catalogue here

Set #Set NamePriceFull RRPFull RRP DiscountDiscount %
75078Imperial Troop Transport$19.00$22.99$3.9917%
75079Shadow Troopers$19.00$22.99$3.9917%
75088Senate Commando Troopers$19.00$22.99$3.9917%
75089Geonosis Troopers$19.00$22.99$3.9917%
75082TIE Advanced Prototype$49.00$59.99$10.9918%
75084Wookiee Gunship$75.00$99.99$24.9925%

Thanks to Tom for sending the info through.

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