On Sale: Outer Rim Trading Co Drops Prices On A Range Of Sets

Outer Rim Trading Co

The mid-year toy sale period can be tough on small LEGO retailers, but one Brisbane based retailer has decided to take on the big retailers by dropping prices on a range of sets.

Brisbane based online retailer Outer Rim Trading Co sent out an email to their subscribers informing them of the price reductions. Here is what Michael from the store had to say in the email;

June is here, and it’s the season of big LEGO savings! We’ve scoured the market so you don’t have to, and have matched or beaten all currently advertised LEGO sales from the major retailers on items that we currently range. Some items are even price matched BEFORE their sale even starts!

Sale products are located throughout our entire range of products. Stocks are limited, and purchasing limits may apply.

As mentioned – the savings are spread throughout the store, so we don’t have a full listing. It might be worth doing some browsing around.

Via http://www.outerrimtradingco.com.au/

Thanks to Brad for letting us know about this news.


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