2015 Toy Sales – All The Deals From Myer

Myer don’t seem to be a fan of making catalogues available too far in advance. Their 2015 toy sales kicks off tomorrow, and we have only just seen a catalogue (thanks to Leslie for sending the link).

There is an old Myer sale favourite returning (10220 Volkswagen T1 Camper Van) and a new UCS Star Wars exclusive to hunt down (75060 Slave I). Overall their sale seems to cover a good range of themes. Hopefully there will be something there for everybody.


Sales Period

This sale runs from Wednesday June 10th 2015 until Sunday July 12th.


This year Myer will be offering the following;

  • 20% off all LEGO
  • 20% off all Duplo

There are a range of sets included in the catalogue. We’ll update the post with a table of those sets later today.

Set #Set NameThemePriceFull RRPRRP DiscountDiscount %
60051High-Speed Passenger TrainCity$179.00$229.99$50.9922%
60068Crooks' HideoutCity$63.95$79.99$16.0420%
60069Swamp Police StationCity$79.95$99.99$20.0420%
60067Helicopter PursuitCity$34.95$44.99$10.0422%
10220Volkswagen T1 Camper VanCreator$134.00$169.99$35.9921%
10242Mini Cooper MK VIICreator$119.00$149.99$30.9921%
10232Palace CinemaCreator$159.00$199.99$40.9920%
10246Detective's OfficeCreator$179.00$229.99$50.9922%
76026Gorilla Grodd Goes BananasDC Comics Super Heroes$63.95$79.99$16.0420%
76040Brainiac AttackDC Comics Super Heroes$31.95$39.99$8.0420%
76027Black Manta Deep Sea StrikeDC Comics Super Heroes$63.95$79.99$16.0420%
10507My First TrainDuplo$54.95$69.99$15.0421%
10508Deluxe Train SetDuplo$124.00$159.9$35.922%
10525Big FarmDuplo$69.95$89.99$20.0422%
41095Emma's HouseFriends$79.95$99.99$20.0420%
41094Heartlake LighthouseFriends$44.95$59.99$15.0425%
41091Mia's RoadsterFriends$19.95$24.99$5.0420%
75919Indominus Rex BreakoutJurassic World$139.00$179.99$40.9923%
75916Dilophosaurus AmbushJurassic World$39.95$49.99$10.0420%
75918T-Rex TrackerJurassic World$94.00$119.99$25.9922%
75920Raptor EscapeJurassic World$54.95$69.99$15.0421%
75911McLaren Mercedes Pit StopSpeed Champions$39.95$49.99$10.0420%
75913F14 T & Scuderia Ferrari TruckSpeed Champions$109.00$139.99$30.9922%
75060Slave IStar Wars$239.00$299.99$60.9920%
75054AT-ATStar Wars$129.00$169.99$40.9924%
75083AT-DPStar Wars$63.95$79.99$16.0420%
75082TIE Advanced PrototypeStar Wars$44.95$59.99$15.0425%
4203924 Hour Race CarTechnic$124.00$159.99$35.9922%
42036Street MotorcycleTechnic$39.95$49.99$10.0420%

If you are a Myer One member you may want to check your email. They are offering a Preview Night for this sale tonight (Tuesday June 9th). Here are the stores and times for that offer;

  • Sydney City 6pm – 10pm
  • Bondi 6pm – 10pm
  • Melbourne City 6pm – 10pm
  • Chadstone 6pm – 10pm
  • Brisbane City 6pm – 9pm
  • Adelaide City 6pm – 9pm

Myer One members will also receive a $10 voucher for every $100 spent in-store at the preview event if you spend $100 or more at the event. As pointed out in the comments, this is worded as one voucher per transaction, not per $100 as we originally said.

We have heard a few different reports that the Myer One preview does not include the Toy Sale. We strongly suggest calling the store before heading out.

You can check out the catalogue for this sale here.

29 thoughts on “2015 Toy Sales – All The Deals From Myer

  1. Mark Reply

    There is confusion on other forums regarding whether Myer One members get $10 per $100 spent. The email reads $10 per transaction however I don’t think you can simply split transactions to get multiple discounts as the voucher in the link is like a gift card and has your Myer One member number and an activation code. You have to present your Myer One card at the time of purchase which I suspect will render your voucher as “used”.

  2. bentom1@optusnet.com.au Reply

    There was actually 2 separate emails as both my wife and I are myer one members. Mine said spend $100 and get a $10 voucher later , hers attached a $10 voucher to use. Seems to be a split marketing campaign….

    Each voucher had a code so you can’t print 5 copies because as you said it will show as ‘redeemed/used’ just like a gift card…

    • Michael Post authorReply

      That’s interesting – I received the “Get a voucher” offer and assumed everybody got the same. Are you and your wife both at the same level with Myer One?

  3. Stewie Reply

    I just spoke to Myer and they said the preview sale was only for their “Stocktake Sale” and the “Toy Sale” was a different sale and would not be available tonight. Has anyone heard any different?

  4. Mark Reply

    Thanks for the heads up Stewie. I just called Myer Melbourne and they confirmed that the preview sale tonight does not include toys! You could still use $10 discount vouchers for toy purchases tonight but at best you effectively only get a maximum of 10% off when tomorrow toys will be 20% off. So much for customer loyalty rewards for Myer One card holders. Their advertising really needs to be more explicit. It seems ridiculous that the “toy sale” is different to the “stocktake sale” yet they officially start on the same date!

  5. Ausviper Reply

    But all it takes is for one or two staff members to bend the rule (or not know the rule) and most of a stores stock of the good stuff could get scalped tonight..

    I hope that is not the case..

  6. Mark Reply

    Does anyone know from what time can you purchase the Lego on special online? Is it at 12:01am or do you have to wait until Myer opens?

  7. Stephen Reply

    Spoke to Myer today and apparently the only items in the catalogue that are available online are those with the “screen” symbol next to them, ie. No Lego! Of course they may be completely wrong!

  8. The Other Michael Reply

    Detectives office is on the back page of the cat too!

  9. Glen Reply

    Got on the website at 12:01am, Lego Volkswagon Van already sold out. By the way does anyone know if the new city and star wars sets are due out during sale period or after?

  10. Nate Reply

    Before the sale started you couldn’t order palace cinema… 2 mins after midnight ghostbusters sold out, as did kombi. should be reasonable limits per purchase =(

  11. Leslie Again Reply

    Oh my god…
    I am in Adelaide
    I was wondering how does the time thing work,
    Is the Myer system based in Sydney or it starts the sale according to your location ?(mine is Adelaide)
    I was hoping to pick up a T1 campervan + Cinema + Mini cooper for myself …
    but both of them are out of stock now….
    I hope I can grab a mini cooper … 🙁

    Good Luck everyone, welcome to reply on my comment…

    • lego fan Reply

      Heaps of Mini cooper are still in stock at Melb CBD store. The cinema, detective office and T1 are all sold out and online

  12. Niki Reply

    Ordered a Detective’s Office for click & collect just after midnight. Now already showing as on backorder, which is not looking promising. I’m expecting they’ll do what they did to me in last year’s sale and hold onto my money for a week then cancel my order with no warning.

  13. Mark Reply

    Weird things are happening to their online stock inventory. Lego Ghostbusters was sold out within a minute or so but became available again for a brief period ~ 1hr later. The Volkwagen T1 Camper was showing as sold out too but became available again. I managed to order one @ approx 1.30 am (it wasn’t available for click & collect though, delivery only). I’m half expecting to get an out of stock message within the next 12hrs.

  14. bennie Reply

    it’s either the website is broken or customers have picked up some of the sets in the evening. That’s pretty disappointing. Was eyeing the Slave I, or maybe should just purchase the Tydirium

    • Mark Reply

      Bennie, if you can get the Slave 1 it’s a steal @ $239 and such an impressive set. Is the Shuttle Tydirium showing up in retail already? I thought it was still only available from Lego S@H.

      • bennie Reply

        yea will be dropping by Myer Emporium this evening, hopefully not too late. Lego S@H is out of stock on Shuttle Tydirium. Don’t think I have seen any in retail.

        • bennie Reply

          Was at Myer Emporium, saw the last Slave I at the counter, picked up by a gentleman. Someone commented more stock will be available. Is this true?

  15. MCKH Reply

    Just came back from Myers Emporium, plenty of physical stocks left for detective office and SW UCS the Slave (more then 30 Boxes). Bought 1 box for myself only left the rest. 🙂 Plenty WW Mini Cooper and Camper Van left. No more Ghost Busters thou. 🙁

  16. Percy Reply

    Who knows which store in Sydney still has detective’s office in stock

  17. Mahzian Reply

    Went to Brisbane CBD last night and they were selling the LEGO at sale price, there was a line of 20 odd people waiting to get to the counter to ask for stock as it wasn’t out yet but I saw heaps of people buying DO’s and Slave 1’s. They ran out of stock pretty quick and were taking orders and telling people that they had a good chance of going through as a lot of other stores weren’t open last night. I went back today and they had a heap more stock, the shop assistant said LEGO helped them out with another delivery last night. There were about 5 DO’s left when I was there around noon.

  18. Marcus Reply

    I bought one and there were two more DO’s left about an hour ago in Brisbane cbd.

  19. Mark A Reply

    I tried at midnight online and missed out on the slave 1 I was after. Dropped into Myer on my way home from work in the arvo and they had 2 slave 1’s left. Rapped to get one

  20. Percy Reply

    Sydney cbd just got new stocks. 50 more mini cooper,30 more detective’s office, 10 more slave 1 and T1. Unfortunately they just sold the last palace cinema and the staff told me they would not get any more

  21. Monty Reply

    Mini cooper and DO back in stock online – free postage over $100

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