2015 Toy Sales – All The Deals From Big W

With the Big W sale just a week away, the official details are now available. They are labelling this sale Total Toy Domination 2, let’s see if the offers are enough to dominate our wallets.

Plenty of LEGO on sale, but the two big items are the 76042 SHIELD Helicarrier for $475 and the 75059 Sandcrawler for . The sale also features plenty of new sets at discounted prices, which should help make this sale popular. A notable example is the new train set 60098 Heavy Haul Train for $225


Sales Period

This sale runs from Thursday June 25th 2015 until Wednesday July 8th.

The sale starts early (June 22nd) for Everyday Rewards card holders.


There is no broad discount on LEGO products, but plenty of items featured in the catalogue.

Set #Set NameThemePriceFull RRPFull RRP DiscountDiscount %
10662Creative BucketClassic$38.00$39.99$1.995%
10698Large Creative Brick BoxClassic$49.00$69.99$20.9930%
10693Creative SupplementClassic$20.00$29.99$9.9933%
10694Creative Supplement BrightClassic$20.00$29.99$9.9933%
10696Medium Creative Brick BoxClassic$35.00$49.99$14.9930%
6176Basic BricksDuplo$22.00$29.99$7.9927%
10582Forest AnimalsDuplo$22.00$29.99$7.9927%
10604Jake and the Never Land Pirates Treasure IslandDuplo$22.00$29.99$7.9927%
10616My First PlayhouseDuplo$22.00$29.99$7.9927%
10617My First FarmDuplo$22.00$29.99$7.9927%
10680Garbage TruckJuniors$22.00$29.99$7.9927%
10683Road Work TruckJuniors$22.00$29.99$7.9927%
10687Spider-Man HideoutJuniors$29.00$39.99$10.9927%
10672Batman: Defend the BatcaveJuniors$29.00$39.99$10.9927%
31036Toy & Grocery ShopCreator$49.00$59.99$10.9918%
31025Mountain HutCreator$49.00$59.99$10.9918%
31039Blue Power JetCreator$55.00$89.99$34.9939%
31033Vehicle TransporterCreator$20.00$29.99$9.9933%
76042SHIELD HelicarrierMarvel$475.00$499.99$24.995%
60047Police StationCity$94.00$149.99$55.9937%
60043Prisoner TransporterCity$20.00$29.99$9.9933%
60002Fire TruckCity$20.00$29.99$9.9933%
60081Pickup Tow TruckCity$20.00$29.99$9.9933%
60084Racing Bike TransporterCity$20.00$29.99$9.9933%
60062Arctic IcebreakerCity$128.00$149.99$21.9915%
60076Demolition SiteCity$69.00$99.99$30.9931%
60098Heavy Haul TrainCity$225.00$249.99$24.9910%
70730Chain Cycle AmbushNinjago$48.00$49.99$1.994%
70410Soldiers OutpostPirates$20.00$29.99$9.9933%
70411Treasure IslandPirates$20.00$29.99$9.9933%
70412Soldiers FortPirates$35.00$49.99$14.9930%
70413The Brick BountyPirates$99.00$139.99$40.9929%
21114The FarmMinecraft$38.00$49.99$11.9924%
21118The MineMinecraft$98.00$139.99$41.9930%
21116Crafting BoxMinecraft$59.00$79.99$20.9926%
71006The Simpsons HouseThe Simpsons$298.00$329.99$31.9910%
4203924 Hours Race CarTechnic$128.00$159.99$31.9920%
42036Street MotorcycleTechnic$38.00$49.99$11.9924%
75078Imperial Troop TransportStar Wars$17.00$22.99$5.9926%
75079Shadow TroopersStar Wars$17.00$22.99$5.9926%
75088Senate Commando TroopersStar Wars$17.00$22.99$5.9926%
75089Geonosis TroopersStar Wars$17.00$22.99$5.9926%
75080AATStar Wars$28.00$39.99$11.9930%
75081T-16 SkyhopperStar Wars$28.00$39.99$11.9930%
75059SandcrawlerStar Wars$398.00$449.99$51.9912%
75085Hailfire DroidStar Wars$35.00$39.99$4.9912%
41063Ariel's Undersea PalaceDisney Princess$56.00$79.99$23.9930%
41061Jasmine's Exotic PalaceDisney Princess$25.00$34.99$9.9929%
41073Naida's Epic Adventure ShipElves$32.00$44.99$12.9929%
41075The Elves' Treetop HideawayElves$54.00$79.99$25.9932%
41094Heartlake LighthouseFriends$40.00$59.99$19.9933%
41097Heartlake Hot Air BalloonFriends$30.00$44.99$14.9933%
41085Vet ClinicFriends$22.00$29.99$7.9927%
41095Emma's HouseFriends$70.00$99.99$29.9930%
41107Pop Star LimoFriends$34.00$39.99$5.9915%
75916Dilophosaurus AmbushJurassic World$35.00$49.99$14.9930%
75917Raptor RampageJurassic World$59.00$79.99$20.9926%

You can check out the catalogue for this sale here.

6 thoughts on “2015 Toy Sales – All The Deals From Big W

  1. Mark Reply

    Thanks for listing Michael. A bit of a mixed bag really. Great deals on selected basic building sets, City, Friends and Elves lines. The discount on the ‘hero’ sets are a bit tight though. Only 10% off on the Simpsons House when it is 20%+ off at several other big retailers. 12% on the Sandcrawler is the same as last year, surely they could have done 20% off. Only a measly 5% off such an expensive set as the SHIELD Helicarrier is laughable.

  2. Mark Reply

    Interestingly, not all sets will be available online (no mouse icon)…notable examples being Heavy Haul Train and the Sandcrawler. I imagine it will be a mad scramble when the doors open. Let’s hope the sales staff don’t allow the first customer to buy all the desirable sets!

  3. Dan Reply

    Got my helicarrier tonight, also got Duplo Airport for $20, maybe to price match k-mart?

  4. BradC Reply

    Big W Stafford City had 3 Heavy Haul Trains (now 2 after I picked one up) on display as well as a Helicarrier and several Simpson’s Houses right near the entrance. Not sure if that is all of their stock or if they have more out back. They also have an aisle near the front filled with Lego, so you don’t need to go all the way to the back of the store for the toy section.

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