2015 Toy Sales – All The Deals From Kmart

Things are really heating up in the battle for our LEGO budgets. Kmart has now joined the battle with their 2015 Toy Sale catalogue, and the sale kicks off this week too. There is plenty of overlap with these sales, which may mean more price matching opportunities.

The LEGO range in the Kmart catalogue is not hugely impressive, but there is quite a range of sets at $20. There is no large exclusive set included in the sale, but that was probably to be expected from Kmart.

Thanks to Paul for first sharing the link.

Sales Period

This sale runs from Thursday June 25th 2015 until Wednesday July 15th.


There is no broad discount on LEGO products, but lots of small sets at 33% off RRP.

Set #Set NameThemePriceFull RRPFull RRP DiscountDiscount %
10558Number TrainDuplo$20.00$29.99$9.9933%
10680Garbage TruckJuniors$20.00$29.99$9.9933%
10697XXXL BoxClassic$79.00$89.99$10.9912%
31033Vehicle TransporterCreator$20.00$29.99$9.9933%
41062Elsa's Sparkling Ice CastleDisney Princess$45.00$49.99$4.9910%
41071Aira's Creative WorkshopElves$12.00$15.99$3.9925%
41072Naida's Spa SecretElves$20.00$29.99$9.9933%
41074Azari and the Magical BakeryElves$39.00$44.99$5.9913%
41076Farran and the Crystal HollowElves$19.00$24.99$5.9924%
41085Vet ClinicFriends$20.00$29.99$9.9933%
41086Vet AmbulanceFriends$12.00$15.99$3.9925%
41091Mia's RoadsterFriends$19.00$24.99$5.9924%
41092Stephanie's PizzeriaFriends$12.00$15.99$3.9925%
41108Heartlake Food MarketFriends$59.00$59.99$.992%
42033Record BreakerTechnic$20.00$29.99$9.9933%
42034Quad BikeTechnic$20.00$29.99$9.9933%
60033Arctic Ice CrawlerCity$19.00$19.99$.995%
60034Arctic HelicraneCity$35.00$39.99$4.9912%
60035Arctic OutpostCity$55.00$59.99$4.998%
60036Arctic Base CampCity$99.00$129.99$30.9924%
60043Prisoner TransporterCity$20.00$29.99$9.9933%
60057Camper VanCity$20.00$29.99$9.9933%
60073Service TruckCity$20.00$29.99$9.9933%
60075Excavator and TruckCity$45.00$59.99$14.9925%
60076Demolition SiteCity$69.00$99.99$30.9931%
60081Pickup Tow TruckCity$20.00$29.99$9.9933%
60082Dune Buggy TrailerCity$20.00$29.99$9.9933%
60083Snowplough TruckCity$20.00$29.99$9.9933%
60084Racing Bike TransporterCity$20.00$29.99$9.9933%
70167Invizable Gold GetawayUltra Agents$20.00$29.99$9.9933%
70411Treasure IslandPirates$20.00$29.99$9.9933%
70745Anacondrai CrusherNinjago$20.00$29.99$9.9933%
70755Jungle RaiderNinjago$20.00$29.99$9.9933%
70819Bad Cop Car ChaseThe LEGO Movie$20.00$29.99$9.9933%

You can check out the catalogue for this sale here.

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