2015 Toy Sales: All The Deals From Target

It’s 1:15 AM on a Sunday, and Bricking Around is here to bring you the latest Toy Sale news.

The last of the 2015 toy sales to kick off is Target, but they arguably have the best exclusives lined up for their sale. Not just large exclusives too – there are also quite a few smaller sets marked as exclusive like the Friends news van set, and the creator Forest Creatures.

The biggest disappointment of the Target sale is most likely going to be the price of the Tumbler at $299 – I think we were all hoping for a little more than 9% off RRP. The TIE Fighter is featured for $239 – 20% off.

If you have pre-registered to view the catalogue, you can do so here.

Don’t forget that Target are helping Bricking Around give away a Wookiee Gunship set.

Full details of the sale items below.

Sales Period

This sale starts online on Friday July 17th 2015, or in store on Wednesday July 22nd. The sale runs until Sunday August 9th.


Target is offering 20% off City and Star Wars sets. There are also plenty of specific sets featured in the catalogue.

Target 2015 Toy Sale Offers

Set #Set NameThemePriceFull RRPFull RRP DiscountDiscount %
10592Fire TruckDuplo$20.00$29.99$9.9933%
10622Large Creative BoxDuplo$55.00$69.99$14.9921%
31031Rainforest AnimalsCreator$15.00$19.99$4.9925%
31037Adventure VehiclesCreator$20.00$29.99$9.9933%
31038Changing SeasonsCreator$55.00$79.99$24.9931%
60047Police StationCity$94.00$149.99$55.9937%
60042High Speed Police ChaseCity$15.00$19.99$4.9925%
60071Hovercraft ArrestCity$45.00$59.99$14.9925%
60084Racing Bike TransporterCity$20.00$29.99$9.9933%
60082Dune Buggy TrailerCity$20.00$29.99$9.9933%
600854x4 with PowerboatCity$29.00$39.99$10.9927%
60086LEGO City Starter SetCity$29.00$39.99$10.9927%
76023The TumblerDC Comics Super Heroes$299.00$329.9$30.99%
70413The Brick BountyPirates$99.00$139.99$40.9929%
70412Soldiers FortPirates$35.00$49.99$14.9930%
75899LaFerrariSpeed Champions$15.00$19.99$4.9925%
75913F14 T & Scuderia Ferrari TruckSpeed Champions$99.00$139.99$40.9929%
75053The GhostStar Wars$64.00$139.99$75.9954%
10236Ewok VillageStar Wars$309.00$389.99$80.9921%
75095TIE FighterStar Wars$239.00$299.99$60.9920%
75081T-16 SkyhopperStar Wars$28.00$39.99$11.9930%
75083AT-DPStar Wars$59.00$79.99$20.9926%
75084Wookiee GunshipStar Wars$79.00$99.99$20.9921%
41015Dolphin CruiserFriends$75.00$99.99$24.9925%
41094Heartlake LighthouseFriends$40.00$59.99$19.9933%
41056Heartlake News VanFriends$32$39.99$7.9920%
41095Emma's HouseFriends$70.00$99.99$29.9930%
41085Vet ClinicFriends$20.00$29.99$9.9933%
41073Naida's Epic Adventure ShipElves$32.00$44.99$12.9929%
41072Naida's Spa SecretElves$20.00$29.99$9.9933%

11 thoughts on “2015 Toy Sales: All The Deals From Target

    • Michael Post authorReply

      I had that problem on my PC, but it works on my iPad.

  1. Emma Reply

    Aww I didn’t sign up to see it as it said to receive target newsletters and I already do! Thought it would automatically be able to see it. šŸ™

  2. Mark Reply

    Even with the sale the Tumbler is still more expensive than its rrp upon release ($289). That’s one rare occasion where it paid to get in early! It’s good to see some 20+% discounts on some of the other sets though.

    • Michael Post authorReply

      Not in the catalogue – stores may have stock but they will be at RRP.

  3. Angela Reply

    What page was the Lego Elves and Friends on? I seems to be missing that page. šŸ™

    • Michael Post authorReply

      The catalogue isn’t working for me at the moment but that stuff is in the dolls section.

      Edit: Got it to work – Friends & Elves stuff is on page 29.

  4. TOM Reply

    I’m torn with this sale. I’ve wanted the Tumbler for a while, but 9% off is a little disappointing and unless I have the Wednesday off work the chance of it being in stock by the time I get to a Target are slim. On the other hand I know I’ll regret not getting it and $30 in my pocket is better than in someone elses.

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