On Sale: 20% Off All Star Wars At Shopforme

We don’t post every daily blitz that Shopforme offer because as the name suggests, there is a new one every day. We do however try and share them when the offer is something more than usual and today is a good example of that.

Rather than a few sets on sale, Shopforme are offering 20% off ALL Star Wars sets.

Shop For Me Star Wars 20pc Off


This is a daily blitz offer but we’re not certain when the deal ends. It will most likely end when the new daily blitz starts tomorrow.

The image above features the TIE Fighter however that set is already sold out.

Via http://www.shopforme.com.au/index.php?main_page=page&id=12

3 thoughts on “On Sale: 20% Off All Star Wars At Shopforme

  1. Adam Reply

    How many TIE Fighter UCS were there to start with? Looks like bait advertising.

    • Michael Post authorReply

      Does seem a bit strange with that being a Target exclusive.

  2. Mark Reply

    I agree with Adam about bait advertising. They still have the UCS Imperial Shuttle 10212 listed with a 20% discount. That’s just mean…they haven’t had that set available for years. I can’t imagine that’s simply an oversight.

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