First Look At Ghostbusters LEGO Dimensions Packs

We have just received a press release from Warner Bros Games with some more details about LEGO Dimensions. While the actual press release contained a few new details, including a new trailer. But the most exciting news may just be…

LEGO Dimensions will feature the LEGO Ghostbusters, and the packs are probably going to be really popular even with people that aren’t fans of the game.

Click on any of the images for a larger version.

71241 Slimer Fun Pack


71233 Stay Puft Fun Pack


71228 Venkman Level Pack


We think all of these look amazing!

Here is the new trailer we mentioned earlier.

4 thoughts on “First Look At Ghostbusters LEGO Dimensions Packs

  1. Azureal Reply

    Goddamnit I wish they werent so freaking expensive. That Venkman pack is ludicrous.

  2. Mark Reply

    Awesome! Ecto-1 just got some new “friends”. Slimer, Stay Puft and Terror Dog look fantastic.

  3. Pingback: First Look At LEGO Dimensions Ghostbusters Packs & New Worlds Trailer - FBTB

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