On Sale: 20% Off LEGO At Big W Online [Updated]

Thanks to Bricking Around regular Wade, we have details of a new (and somewhat unexpected) offer.

Big W 20pc Off August 19 2015

Big W are offering 20% off all LEGO at their online store. We’re trying to confirm the details of when this offer ends, but we have tested the code and it appears to be working right now (Wednesday August 19 2015). The offer starts today (Wednesday August 19th 2015) and runs until Sunday August 23rd.

To receive the discount enter the code LEGO-20 at checkout.

We checked the code with Home Delivery and Simply Collect options and both appeared to work. As always with online offers don’t forget to factor postage into your savings.

Thanks to Eleanor and Wade for the updated information

9 thoughts on “On Sale: 20% Off LEGO At Big W Online [Updated]

  1. Brett Daniels (@theromulans) Reply

    I was pretty dissapointed to find quite a lot of their LEGO catalog isn’t available online – or at least all the sets I was interested in – feels like a sly way of giving discounts on particular sets.

    • Michael Post authorReply

      I noticed that too – their online range is quite limited unfortunately.

  2. Anthony Reply

    My gripe is that entering the code as Lego-20 or lego-20 or without the hyphen the discount doesn’t get applied.
    Also checked that LEGO-30, LEGO-40 didn’t work, knowing how good there website is 😉

  3. Mahzian Reply

    The small city sets (like the racing bikes size) are pretty good value as they are listed at $20 so they end up being $16 each with discount which isn’t bad as they are $28-$30 RRP

  4. Tristan Reply

    First time comment. Long time reader. Love this site! It is always so helpful and interesting! I picked up a $35 and $15 Ultra Agents sets which with the 20% off came down to $40 total and then chose the click and collect option so will be able to pick them up from my local big w for no extra cost!

  5. Glen Reply

    Walked into my local Kmart last night and found the LEGO CIty Square for the amazing price of $199 RRP!!! not a sale, just the standard price, they had star wars, ninjago and the new city deep sea and space sets as well!

  6. Steve Bain Reply

    I’ve been buying Lego from twoscoops.com.au. They have percent off sales quite often and have just got new stock at 20% off also. Cheaper and faster shipping than the most sites too!

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