While the official details for 21303 WALL•E were announced earlier this week, there was one piece of information that was missing; the Australian RRP.
While some sets appear on the online store as soon as they are announced there is currently no page for the WALL•E set, even though it is released on September 1st. With no information readily available we got in touch with LEGO to find out the Australian RRP for those who want to budget their September purchases.
21303 WALL•E will have an Australian RRP of $69.99
With a US price of $49.99 we think the $69.99 price point is quite reasonable.
Excellent! If you factor in the $AUD to $US conversion and the GST ( the U.S. price doesn’t include state-based sales tax) then we are actually paying less than US residents.
Very happy with that price ! Hope Lego have quite a few of these ordered, as I think they will set out very fast…
(should add in the first round – however, if they sell like the Ghostbuster set, they might be around for quite a while)
can not wait for this one
can not wait for this
WALL-E is now up on the Lego S@H website.
…and now available to order – with a limit of 1 per transaction. >:(
Time to change my Christmas gift list, as I’m not paying their exorbitant freight charges over and over again.