On Sale: 20% Off All Toys At Big W

We do love a surprise sale! Over on the Big W Facebook page they have announced that for two days only they will be offering 20% off all toys.

Of course we’re mainly interested in LEGO and that is certainly covered under the all toys umbrella.

Big W 20pc Off September 2015

The offer is available online and in-store today and tomorrow (Friday 11th andย Saturday 12th of September 2015).

With the Scooby-Doo and Force Awakens sets now appearing in stores there should be plenty of savings to be had.

You can check out their online range here.

19 thoughts on “On Sale: 20% Off All Toys At Big W

    • Michael Post authorReply

      It looks like none of them are actually available online. That’s most likely why.

  1. Steve Reply

    Pretty much all of the Scooby range is gone from the Melb CBD store. It went really quick while I was there. None of the price checkers scanned at the discount price but the registers were fine.

  2. Lego_Freak Reply

    Picked up kwik-e-mart for $238.4 and technic fire plane for $56
    Thanks for the info

  3. Murphy Reply

    Got the entire new range of this seasons ninjago. Christmas came early this year… tho I will probably wrap them up and save them for Xmas. Said I know ๐Ÿ˜› Thank you Michael ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Mark Reply

    Thanks Michael. I’ve come to the realization that the common complaint that we get ripped off on Lego compared to US customers is no longer valid. 20% off sales are so common here I take these as the real street price. For example, the newly released and extremely popular Poe’s X-wing is normally $115 at Big W, and with the 20% off sale it comes down to $92. If you take into account our exchange rate of approx. 0.70 USD that works out to be $64.40 USD. The US retail price on this set is $80 USD + sales tax. I know I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know but I still see lots of people complaining in forums. We are actually paying less here than anywhere else that I’m aware of at this point in time : )

    • Matt Reply

      You definitely have a great point there Mark, 20% sales are so frequent amongst three big retailers (target, myer and toys r us) that it’s reasonable to factor that in when calculating what the average australian consumer actually pays for Lego. However in the four years I’ve personally been collecting with my son this is the first time I’ve been aware of Big W offering 20% off. This is significant because their prices are often set at below rrp as standard, the x wing you mentioned is actually $130 most other places, so anyone luckly enough to have picked one up this weekend for $92 is actually getting almost 30% off.

      Worth mentioning just because you used that as an example, whereas it’s actually more of an anomaly than the rule.

      • Mark Reply

        Hi Matt, Poe’s x-wing and Big-W pricing was a random example, maybe it was a bad one. I disagree it’s an anomaly though. Comparing Lego US S@H rrp to Aus S@H rrp and purely factoring in the US to AUD currency conversion the results might surprise you. Looking at a selection of new & popular sets across several themes…City Deep Sea Explorer ($120 US, $150 AUD, converted AUD price $169), Creator Ferrari F40 ($100 US, $130 AUD, converted AUD price $141), Scooby Doo Mystery Mansion ($90 US, $120 AUD, converted AUD price $127), Ideas WALL-E ($60 US, $70 AUD, converted AUD price $85). There is a mix of licensed and non-licensed sets in those examples. If we compare a basic Lego building block set such as 10698 Classic large creative brick box the US price is $60 and the AUD price is $70 (converted AUD price $85). I’ve used xe currency converter at the current rate of 1 AUD = 0.71 USD. Remember, these prices are Lego RRP, not factoring in ‘street prices’ or the fact that our prices already include GST and US customers have to factor in local sales tax. Yes there are going to be examples where the prices are more disparate, particularly on the cheaper sets. But I think you will find there are many more where we actually win out on price and are somewhat buffered from a weak dollar…at least for now.

        • rebelpilot Reply

          ^ I like this guy, I’m guessing the prices tab on brickset gets a work out like it does for me ๐Ÿ˜‰

          After a bit of whining from me about the $40 RRP for 75099 Rey’s Speeder, I ended up paying $28 from Big W that’s 30% off and bang on par with USD prices after converting the dollar and without tax or postage costs.

          Early last year I bough 10236 Ewok Village from amazon.com back when they’d still ship Lego for RRP of $250 + about $25 shipping. After currency conversion and credit card fees I paid about $300-$310. At this years Target half yearly toy sale they were selling it for $309, about 20% off, so I didn’t save anything, I just had the pleasure of getting it sooner rather than later.

        • Matt Reply

          I think you may have misunderstood what I meant there. I only described the X-wing pricing example as an anomaly because it actually worked out as a very rare 30% off Australian retail rrp (a rainbow unicorn) as opposed to the far more common 20% off rrp (a brightly colored horse??).

          The point you were making was sound though, just that there were far better examples to use to support it ๐Ÿ™‚

          Incidentally, since we’re discussing deals and pricing, I’d love to say I always sniff out the best deals and have the fortitude to wait it out for the next sale, however the reality is I’ve paid top dollar for a fair few sets over the years. Maybe there’s a support group to help control the excitement when certain new themes pop up in stores and the logical synapses in my brain shut down. My son fully supports these lapses of course, my wife, not so much, which is quite discriminatory really, it’s basically a medical condition. No? ๐Ÿ™‚

          • Mark

            Yep. I hear you Matt. Ironically I paid full retail on Poe’s X-wing in my excitement : ) My wife would agree it’s a medical condition. Like your son my daughters don’t care if it’s a rainbow unicorn or brightly colored horse…either way they are magical in their eyes.

    • rebelpilot Reply

      I totally agree Mark. There is still a bit of a sting with RRP here but 20% off that is almost becoming the norm, 30% off RRP on quite a bit a stuff Big W was doing is just a bonus.

      I am a little concerned that Lego may raise RRP’s for new stuff in 2016 now the AUD is falling, but I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.

      • Mark Reply

        I suspect you are right rebelpilot. I would imagine Lego will readjust their pricing here if the AUD stays low, and from all accounts it’s expected to decline further : (

  5. Andrew Reply

    Nice, picked up a millinium falcon instore for $186 at big W. Got an extra 5% on top with my staff discount ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. bedraggled Reply

    The Chima vehicle range were in our Drop Zone. I’m not that interested in Chima. but that moment they had an announcement saying everything above $10 in th Drop Zone was now discounted to $10, just see store staff for stickers. So I grabbed the four largest sets for $40. I’ll build them and then maybe recycle them for parts.

    They also had a small Ultra Agents set.

  7. Michael Post authorReply

    With all this pricing talk I’m feeling inspired to do some more analysis.

  8. leoheart Reply

    Got 1 complete set of Scooby Doo for just $225 with the help of one friendly staff in Big W. Awesome weekend it was! Awesome customer service too

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