On Sale: Selected Sets At Toys R Us

It appears there is no end to the assault on our wallets this week. After frantically adding a fourth sale to the list of sales starting tomorrow, we learn that there is another sale that actually started today. Thanks to Stephen for letting us know.

Buried in the pages of a Babies R Us branded catalogue is a small special from Toys R Us.

From today (Wednesday September 16th) until Tuesday September 29th Toys R Us are offering 20% off selected Star Wars sets, and some Bionicle offers.

You can check out the catalogue here or as usual see our listing of sets below.

Set #Set NameThemePriceFull RRPFull RRP DiscountDiscount %
70795Mask Maker vs. Skull GrinderBionicle$29.99$39.99$1025%
75099Rey’s SpeederStar Wars$34.99$39.99$513%
75100First Order SnowspeederStar Wars$47.99$59.99$1220%
75101First Order Special Forces TIE FighterStar Wars$79.99$99.99$2020%
75038Jedi InterceptorStar Wars$34.99$39.99$513%
75081T-16 SkyhopperStar Wars$34.99$39.99$513%
75091Flash SpeederStar Wars$49.99$59.99$1017%
75082TIE Advanced PrototypeStar Wars$49.99$59.99$1017%
75058MTT [VIP Price]Star Wars$129.99$149.99$2013%
75096Sith Infiltrator [VIP Price]Star Wars$139.99$159.99$2013%

There is also a Any 2 for $30 offer on the smaller Bionicle sets, although the catalogue doesn’t provide set numbers.

2 thoughts on “On Sale: Selected Sets At Toys R Us

  1. Owen Reply

    Not having a TRU near me I was going to place an online order however when I got to the freight cost ($61 for 4 small Lego sets) I changed my mind. For that price I could drive to the nearest TRU and still pay for lunch!

    • BradC Reply

      Yeah, TRU’s shipping costs usually means you lose the savings you would have gained. Luckily for me, I live pretty close to the Aspley one. I much prefer the Target and Myer shipping, where you get it free if you spend above a certain amount.

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