Unfortunately it seems that we are going to have to share this sale. We had been hoping that this sale was redundant with the 20% off Friends and Family sale on at Toys R Us, but it seems that isn’t going to work.
From November 19th until Sunday November 22nd 2015 Toys R Us are offering at least 10% off all full priced LEGO.
It kind of feels like Toys R Us are just offering 10% off so they don’t have to do the 20% off. If possible we suggest going to Myer’s 20% off sale today (Friday November 20th) or heading in to Big W this weekend for 20% off all toys. They are better offers.
Your sale notifications are really helpful, thank you, however one important note that you are currently not taking into account which would be even better. Not all sales are equal. For example I’ve found in general when Toys’r’us or Myer has 20% that means 20% of the highest possible lego retail price. However BigW has retail/base prices that are generally lower then the others, so 20% sale at BigW can be equivalent to 25% or more when comparing the same items on sale elsewhere at 20% off.
Thanks for your comment. Where possible I try and point out that certain stores often sell sets for lower than RRP. I’ve been trying to compile a detailed list of the regular prices for sets at each store but prices are always changing. Percentage off sales are always harder to properly detail for stores like Big W etc because their standard prices vary a fair bit – some are a dollar less than RRP, while others are $10 less.
When there are specific sets on sale I always us RRP as the baseline because that makes it a level playing field across retailers. For example a $100 set sold at $90 but on special for $80 – that’s 20% off RRP or 11% off the regular price. If another store had 15% off that set percentage wise you’d think that would be better than 11%. Using RRP solves that.
I am working on an updated LEGO Buying Guide that will detail things like Big W regular prices being below RRP.
C’mon ToysRUs we don’t get out of bed for 10% !
For a short time on Thursday morning they did both the 10% and the 20% on top of that. Noticed this after I left the store having bought the current Mixels series. Went back the next day to get a few more things but they had stopped it. Should’ve gone gone straight back in! ????
It would have been awesome if it stacked. I think they sent a message out to the staff to stop it – there seemed to be a few people who slipped through and got both