On Sale: Selected Sets On Sale At Myer, Plus Myer One 10% Offer

Is there anything better than sales that have bonus discounts? The latest Myer catalogue features a range of LEGO sets on sale – it’s a fairly decent sale with a range of large sets like the Modular Buildings with modest discounts.

If you are a Myer One member though, this sale has some extra excitement. Myer One members can get 10% off all toys with a voucher that was sent out earlier this morning. This voucher should stack on top of the discounted prices in the catalogue.

Items not in the catalogue will be a flat 10% off with the voucher.

The catalogue sale runs from today (November 26th) through until December 24th 2015.
The voucher is valid from today until 11:59 PM AEDT Sunday November 29th 2015.

You can check out the catalogue here. You can view the Myer One voucher here.

Below we have included two versions of our pricing table – one with the Myer One voucher and one without.

Prices with Myer One Voucher

 Set #Set NameThemePriceFull RRPFull RRP DiscountDiscount %
60073Service TruckCity$22.46$29.99$7.5325%
60086LEGO City Starter SetCity$26.96$39.99$13.0333%
60075Excavator and TruckCity$44.96$59.99$15.0325%
60076Demolition SiteCity$80.96$99.99$19.0319%
60060Auto TransporterCity$31.46$39.99$8.5321%
60097City SquareCity$179.10$249.99$70.8928%
75899LaFerrariSpeed Champions$15.26$19.99$4.7324%
75910Porsche 918 SpyderSpeed Champions$15.26$19.99$4.7324%
75908458 Italia GT2Speed Champions$15.26$19.99$4.7324%
75909McLaren P1Speed Champions$15.26$19.99$4.7324%
75913F14 T & Scuderia Ferrari TruckSpeed Champions$107.10$139.99$32.8923%
41104Pop Star Dressing RoomFriends$26.96$39.99$13.0333%
41106Pop Star Tour BusFriends$53.96$79.99$26.0333%
41105Pop Star Show StageFriends$44.96$59.99$15.0325%
41103Pop Star Recording StudioFriends$17.96$24.99$7.0328%
10246Detective's OfficeCreator$188.10$229.99$41.8918%
10232Palace CinemaCreator$161.10$199.99$38.8919%
10218Pet ShopCreator$224.10$269.99$45.8917%
10243Parisian RestaurantCreator$206.10$249.99$43.8918%
10242Mini Cooper MK VIICreator$116.10$149.99$33.8923%
75060Slave IStar Wars$251.10$299.99$48.8916%
75102Poe’s X-Wing FighterStar Wars$89.10$129.99$40.8931%
75101First Order Special Forces TIE FighterStar Wars$71.10$99.99$28.8929%
75105Millennium FalconStar Wars$206.10$249.99$43.8918%
75099Rey’s SpeederStar Wars$26.96$39.99$13.0333%

Prices without Myer One Voucher

 Set #Set NameThemePriceFull RRPFull RRP DiscountDiscount %
60073Service TruckCity$24.95$29.99$5.0417%
60086LEGO City Starter SetCity$29.95$39.99$10.0425%
60075Excavator and TruckCity$49.95$59.99$10.0417%
60076Demolition SiteCity$89.95$99.99$10.0410%
60060Auto TransporterCity$34.95$39.99$5.0413%
60097City SquareCity$199.00$249.99$50.9920%
75899LaFerrariSpeed Champions$16.95$19.99$3.0415%
75910Porsche 918 SpyderSpeed Champions$16.95$19.99$3.0415%
75908458 Italia GT2Speed Champions$16.95$19.99$3.0415%
75909McLaren P1Speed Champions$16.95$19.99$3.0415%
75913F14 T & Scuderia Ferrari TruckSpeed Champions$119.00$139.99$20.9915%
41104Pop Star Dressing RoomFriends$29.95$39.99$10.0425%
41106Pop Star Tour BusFriends$59.95$79.99$20.0425%
41105Pop Star Show StageFriends$49.95$59.99$10.0417%
41103Pop Star Recording StudioFriends$19.95$24.99$5.0420%
10246Detective's OfficeCreator$209.00$229.99$20.999%
10232Palace CinemaCreator$179.00$199.99$20.9910%
10218Pet ShopCreator$249.00$269.99$20.998%
10243Parisian RestaurantCreator$229.00$249.99$20.998%
10242Mini Cooper MK VIICreator$129.00$149.99$20.9914%
75060Slave IStar Wars$279.00$299.99$20.997%
75102Poe’s X-Wing FighterStar Wars$99.00$129.99$30.9924%
75101First Order Special Forces TIE FighterStar Wars$79.00$99.99$20.9921%
75105Millennium FalconStar Wars$229.00$249.99$20.998%
75099Rey’s SpeederStar Wars$29.95$39.99$10.0425%

Thanks to Mark and Wade for emailing about this sale.

5 thoughts on “On Sale: Selected Sets On Sale At Myer, Plus Myer One 10% Offer

  1. Tom Reply

    Fingers crossed I can get a Slave 1.

    Good see they now have limit of 3 per customer (online at least).

  2. Mark Reply

    Weird, when you enter the coupon on Myer online, it says it excludes lego, but still applies the discount.

  3. Mark Reply

    There were Slave 1’s, Parisian Restaurants, Palace Cinemas and Dectective offices at Myer Eastland VIC last night. The only major that had been cleared from the shelves since the morning was Pet Shop, not surprisingly. A great time to buy these sets, particularly the Pet Shop if you can get it before it is retired.

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