More 2016 Sets Listed Online

After hearing that there were some more 2016 sets added to the Australian online LEGO store, we have done another check and compiled an updated list of all the new products.

We now have the Australian prices for over 80 new sets that will be released soon (some are December 26th 2015 others are January 1st 2016).

Unfortunately there are no images for some of these sets, but they should be added to the LEGO servers soon.

The list is quite long, so click Read More if you can’t see it below. You should also be able to filter the list if there is a particular theme/set you are interested in.

 Set #NameThemePiecesRRP 
10720Police Helicopter ChaseJuniors63$15.99View
10721Iron Man vs LokiJuniors66$15.99View
10722Snake ShowdownJuniors92$22.99View
10723Ariel's Dolphin CarriageJuniors70$22.99View
10725Lost TempleJuniors172$39.99View
10729Cinderella's CarriageJuniors116$29.99View
10807Horse TrailerDuplo15$29.99View
10808Little PlaneDuplo13$12.99View
10809Police PatrolDuplo15$22.99View
10814Tow TruckDuplo28$24.99View
10816My First Cars and TrucksDuplo36$29.99View
10818My First TruckDuplo29$29.99View
10819My First GardenDuplo25$29.99View
10829Mickey's WorkshopDuplo18$29.99View
10831My First CaterpillarDuplo19$15.99View
31040Desert RacersCreator65$9.99View
31041Construction VehiclesCreator64$9.99View
31042Super SoarerCreator100$15.99View
31043Chopper TransporterCreator124$15.99View
31044Park AnimalsCreator202$24.99View
31045Ocean ExplorerCreator213$24.99View
31046Fast CarCreator222$29.99View
31047Propeller PlaneCreator230$29.99View
31048Lakeside LodgeCreator368$39.99View
31050Corner DeliCreator467$59.99View
41068Arendelle Castle CelebrationDisney Princess477$89.99View
41069Treasure's Day at the PoolDisney Princess70$9.99View
41110Birthday PartyFriends191$29.99View
41111Party TrainFriends109$15.99View
41112Party CakesFriends50$7.99View
41113Party Gift ShopFriends52$7.99View
41114Party StylingFriends54$7.99View
41120Adventure Camp ArcheryFriends114$15.99View
41121Adventure Camp RaftingFriends320$44.99View
41122Adventure Camp Tree HouseFriends726$99.99View
41135Livi's Pop Star HouseFriends597$79.99View
41140Daisy's Beauty SalonDisney Princess98$15.99View
41141Pumpkin's Royal CarriageDisney Princess79$15.99View
42044Display Team JetTechnic113$17.99View
42045Hydroplane RacerTechnic180$24.99View
42046Getaway RacerTechnic170$32.99View
42047Police InterceptorTechnic185$32.99View
42048Race KartTechnic345$44.99View
42049Mine LoaderTechnic476$69.99View
42050Drag RacerTechnic$99.99View
42052Heavy Lift HelicopterTechnic1042$219.99View
60106Fire Starter SetCity90$15.99View
60107Fire Ladder TruckCity214$29.99View
60108Fire Response UnitCity257$59.99View
60109Fire BoatCity412$109.9View
60110Fire StationCity919$159.9View
60111Fire Utility TruckCity368$49.99View
60112Fire EngineCity376$59.99View
60113Rally CarCity104$15.99View
60114Race BoatCity95$15.99View
601154 x 4 Off RoaderCity176$29.99View
60116Ambulance PlaneCity183$29.99View
60118Garbage TruckCity248$29.99View
60127Prison Island Starter SetCity92$15.99View
60128Police PursuitCity184$29.99View
60129Police Patrol BoatCity200$59.99View
60130Prison IslandCity754$149.99View
60131Crooks IslandCity244$49.99View
70600Ninja Bike ChaseNinjago231$34.99View
70601Sky SharkNinjago221$34.99View
70602Jay's Elemental DragonNinjago350$49.99View
70603Raid ZeppelinNinjago294$49.99View
70604Tiger Widow IslandNinjago450$69.99View
70605Misfortune's KeepNinjago754$139.99View
71310Umarak the HunterBionicle172$29.99View
75127The GhostStar Wars104$15.99View
75128TIE Advanced PrototypeStar Wars93$15.99View
75129Wookiee GunshipStar Wars84$15.99View
75130AT-DPStar Wars76$15.99View
75133Rebel Alliance Battle PackStar Wars101$22.99View
75134Galactic Empire Battle PackStar Wars109$22.99View
75135Obi-Wan's Jedi InterceptorStar Wars215$44.99View
75136Droid Escape PodStar Wars197$44.99View
75137Carbon Freezing ChamberStar Wars231$44.99View
75138Hoth AttackStar Wars233$44.99View
75141Kanan's Speeder BikeStar Wars234$59.99View
75142Homing Spider DroidStar Wars310$69.99View
76048Iron Skull Sub AttackMarvel Super Heroes335$49.99View
76049Avenjet Space MissionMarvel Super Heroes523$89.99View

9 thoughts on “More 2016 Sets Listed Online

  1. Salah Reply

    Some of the Star wars sets are ridiculously overpriced. Like Kanans speeder 60dollars wow

    • Michael Post authorReply

      That one isn’t showing up on the site yet. I’m guessing that Disney is being pretty strict about any of the Force Awakens related stuff.

  2. Mark Reply

    Thanks Michael. The Creator Corner Deli 3 in 1 looks fantastic. My kids are going to love that one.

  3. Amy Reply

    I love that there is $15.99 set with Loki, we have a fake (eeek) one at the moment.

  4. Alison Reply

    Thanks Michael, for this list but also for all the work you do all year in gathering sales information, compiling the price comparisons and reporting it all in a timely fashion. It is so helpful to those of us on a budget so that we can plan our purchases and get more for our money. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year, with lots of new sets to build 🙂

    • Michael Post authorReply

      I’m glad that you find the information helpful. It makes all the work worthwhile to hear that it helps.

  5. Brett Reply

    Looking at the prices on and there seems to be some kind of tax being applied to the bigger sets? 25%. Hope it is website related and not a sign of new prices.

  6. Alexis Reply

    Is anyone able to tell me how long after the new sets go on the Lego website they will be available in Big W etc? Thanks. 🙂

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