On Sale: 20% Off At Target eBay Store

If you missed out on picking up something from Target’s eBay store during the recent 10% off sale then we have so good news – they are now offering 20% off.

From today (Monday February 16) until February 21st 2016 Target are offering 20% off all items on their eBay store – including their LEGO range. Just enter code CTARGET at checkout.

Target eBay 20pc Off Feb15_2016

You can check out their LEGO range here

5 thoughts on “On Sale: 20% Off At Target eBay Store

  1. Mahzian Reply

    Just be aware that they have jacked the prices up to RRP for some items (above their everyday prices) so the discount may not be as good as expected

  2. Mark Reply

    The new Ninjago Raid Zepplin is already 20% off RRP at Target EBay with a further 20% when you use the code on checkout. It’s a great set in all of its ninja’s meets pirates steampunk glory!

  3. Ruben Reply

    Picked up Nexo Knights 70312, 70313, 70311, 70316, 70332, 70310 and 70315 for a tidy $200 – saved $50

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