76052 Batman Classic TV Series Batcave Now Available For VIPs

After refreshing the online store all day the Classic TV Series Batcave is now available for VIPs.

Click on the image below to view the product page – you’ll need to be signed in to your VIP account to purchase the set.

76052 Batcave VIP

Let us know in the comments if you plan to pick one up.

Thanks to James for making sure we saw this

10 thoughts on “76052 Batman Classic TV Series Batcave Now Available For VIPs

  1. Michael Reply

    I wasn’t a huge fan of the original TV show, but I liked it enough. I’m old enough to remember reruns on TV as a kid and that annoying but at the same time awesome Batman Theme.

    As far as this set goes, I think it rocks in the same way that the Dr Who set does. Bat mobile + Bat-copter and Bat-bike look great.

    • BradC Reply

      Yeah, I usually leave buying these high-priced exclusives till double VIP points as well, to make the most of the purchase.

    • Tom Reply

      Any idea on when the next double VIP points is? My list of sets that look like I’ll have to order DFL is getting pretty long.

  2. Kon Reply

    When do you think the GBHQ and Classic Batcave will be in the big stores DJ, TRU?

  3. Monty Reply

    Really not sure about this set – will wait to see more reviews first. I thought double VIP points occurred around later March, but could be wrong.

  4. Mark Reply

    The facade of Wayne Manor and the study are both gorgeous but sadly only snippets. This would have been awesome in the style of the Creator modulars but as it stands it doesn’t even come close to making a good display piece for AFOLs, presumably the target market here. There are way too many bare studded plates on the front and exposed technic on the sides for my liking. I think they would have been better off selling the Batmobile and Batcopter seperately, more parents would shell out for those than an overpriced playset.

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