On Sale: Selected Sets Reduced At Kmart

It’s been a little while since we’ve had an offer from Kmart. After the wait it would have been nice if the offer was a little broader but some of the discounts are still worth checking out.

This Easter catalogue features a range of smaller sets all for $29, which is around $10 off most sets. They’ve also added a few $29.99 RRP sets just to pad things out a little.

The offer runs from tomorrow (March 17th) and runs until Saturday March 26th 2016.

You can check out the catalogue for yourself here (just be sure to skip page 20) and view a list of the sets below.

ThumbSet #Set NameThemePriceFull RRPFull RRP DiscountDiscount %
600854x4 with PowerboatCity$29.00$39.99$10.9927%
60092Deep Sea SubmarineCity$29.00$39.99$10.9927%
10807Horse TrailerDuplo$29.00$29.99$.993%
10816My First Cars and TrucksDuplo$29.00$29.99$.993%
10817Creative ChestDuplo$29.00$39.99$10.9927%
10702LEGO Creative Building SetClassic$29.00$39.99$10.9927%
10687Spider-Man HideoutJuniors$29.00$39.99$10.9927%
10729Cinderella's CarriageJuniors$29.00$29.99$.993%
70747Boulder BlasterNinjago$29.00$39.99$10.9927%
31048Lakeside LodgeCreator$29.00$39.99$10.9927%

Thanks to Tony for letting us know there was a new catalogue out.

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