Free 30278 Poe’s X-Wing With K-Zone Magazine

The latest K-Zone magazine has hit stores and just like last month there is some bonus LEGO included.

The included bonus for the May edition is 30278 Poe’s X-Wing, which looks like a great little build.

KZone May 2016 Free XWing

The magazine should set you back around $5.99 which just like last month seems like a fair price even for the LEGO alone. You should be able to find a copy at most grocery stores and newsagents.

Thanks to Cary for reminding us about this

3 thoughts on “Free 30278 Poe’s X-Wing With K-Zone Magazine

  1. Xavier Reply

    With the multiples people on some groups are stating they are buying, I doubt many children will actually get any. I got what seemed to be last one in my local grocery shop. The newsagent was already cleaned out.

  2. Mark Reply

    Thanks for the heads up Michael. I picked up a couple from my local newsagent today. My kids will be very happy : )

  3. Hank Reply

    Picked one up today. Just finished building it and it’s a fairly good size for what amounts to $6.

    Missed out on the previous month Nexo as I only found out about it. Does anyone know if KZone can be back ordered in any way?

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