On Sale: Click Frenzy Mayhem Offers

It seems that the people behind Click Frenzy are having another event. This sale/promotion is going by the name Mayhem (get it, it’s in May?) and there are some LEGO offers worth checking out…

Crayons – 20% Off + Additional 10% Off

Crayons LOGO

Possibly the better of the two sales on offer. Online store Crayons are offering 20% off all LEGO and while that’s a decent offer on it’s own, they are also offering an extra 10% off if you buy two of the same product (a total potential discount of 28%). Crayons also have free shipping for qualifying orders.

You can view their range here.

Twoscoops – 20% Off All LEGO

twoscoops logo

No additional offer from online retailer Twoscoops, but their 20% off is still a solid discount worth checking out. Twoscoops have decent shipping costs, but it’s still something you’ll need to factor in to any potential savings.

You can check out the Twoscoops range here.

Both offers are part of Click Frenzy Mayhem which started at 7pm Eastern Standard Time May 17th and runs for 24 hours. Stock is limited at both of the retailers mentioned above.

Thanks to David for sharing this with us.

6 thoughts on “On Sale: Click Frenzy Mayhem Offers

  1. JJ Reply

    just checked out the crayons (so called) sale …seems pretty easy to have a 30% off sale on everything that you don’t have stock of.

    I want the 10 minutes of my life back trying to find something that’s actually in stock.

    • JJ Reply

      ok… I exaggerate, not “everythings” out of stock, but everything I was looking for.

      • Mark Reply

        Yep. I agree. Click bait for a new player in the market. And I checked yesterday not long after the link appeared here.

        • brickingaround Reply

          Crayons were actually featured here last year so they’ve been around for a little while.

          The sale did start a few hours before this post went up so stock may have cleared out beforehand. Of course it’s possible they didn’t have a lot to begin with.

  2. Michael Reply

    The sale seemed designed specifically for resellers so I can see people swooping in and buying 20 of this and 20 of that. Which is a shame.

    • Michael Reply

      I should add that i was specifically talking about the crayons sale with the extra discount of 10% off if buying 2 of the same set.

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