Rainbow Bricks LUG are on a bit of a roll with some fantastic events being put on across New South Wales. Their latest event is the William Carey Southwest Brickfest, taking place this Saturday (June 4th) at the William Carey Christian School in Prestons NSW.
LEGO builders from across NSW come together to show off their amazing LEGO creations. Displays include a 1.5m tall Avengers Tower and a LEGO city with a working rail and tram system.
There will be something for everyone, young and old including a build area for the kids, LEGO for sale and a robotics display. There will also be food stalls and outdoor entertainment on the day.
All the door taking will be donated to the William Carey Christian School.
Tickets are just $4 per person or $10 for a family (2 Adults, 2 Children). Grab your tickets from trybooking.com
You can get more information about the event via the event page below or via Facebook.
- William Carey Southwest Brickfest on June 4, 2016 10:00 am
I am concerned that this is a Christian school and as such may foster a culture of exclusion. So I will not be supporting them.
Christian faith is a faith that is very inclusive. It loves all kind of people with no exception. It is a faith that does not condone certain lifestyle only if it is in conflict with God’s teaching in the bible but still love the ‘person’ regardlesss. Christian school teaches good moral values and encourage students to love everyone (the person) with no exception and do good to all minkind. Due to this, it deserves even more support. To not support it means to highlight the culture of exclusion even more.
I went to a Christian school and have a also taught at many Christian schools. They are usually pretty good at not been complete cult level nutters so I wouldn’t worry about that. There is generally a non Christian or even atheist component within the school that prevents such behaviour. Also worth noting that they do still have to comply with federal and state education guidelines which to a lesser extent cover these kinds of activities. Giving my own atheist perspective though I can confirm that they do usually have a bit of a weirdly judgemental vibe, best just to ignore it.