2016 Toy Sales – All The Deals From Big W

Period: June 16 – July 6 2016

Big Ticket Items: 76042 SHIELD Helicarrier for $475. 75827 Ghostbusters HQ for $475

Christmas Lay-by: Yes

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Big W’s Toy sale is always the first to launch and with some great offers this could be hard to beat for the other retailers.

The full list of sets included in the sale can be found below.

This year Big W are also offering a 10% price beat offer. Once some more sale details from other retailers are released be assured that you’ll have all the information to take advantage of that.

Big W Price Beat 2016 Toy Sale

Note: Big W’s regular prices are a little below RRP. The pricing information below is based off RRP so the discounts will be a little different to what the catalogue says.

 Set #Set NameThemePriceFull RRPFull RRP DisDisc %
60130Prison IslandCity$95.00$149.99$54.9937%
60110Fire StationCity$95.00$159.99$64.941%
60129Police Patrol BoatCity$39.00$59.99$20.9935%
60108Fire Response UnitCity$39.00$59.99$20.9935%
60098Heavy Haul TrainCity$225.00$249.99$24.9910%
60118Garbage TruckCity$20.00$29.99$9.9933%
60081Pickup Tow TruckCity$20.00$29.99$9.9933%
60084Racing Bike TransporterCity$20.00$29.99$9.9933%
60128Police PursuitCity$20.00$29.99$9.9933%
601154 x 4 Off RoaderCity$20.00$29.99$9.9933%
60116Ambulance PlaneCity$20.00$29.99$9.9933%
60078Utility ShuttleCity$20.00$29.99$9.9933%
60117Van & CaravanCity$20.00$29.99$9.9933%
60107Fire Ladder TruckCity$20.00$29.99$9.9933%
75105Millennium FalconStar Wars$195.00$249.99$54.922%
75059SandcrawlerStar Wars$398.00$449.99$51.9912%
75102Poe’s X-Wing FighterStar Wars$95.00$129.9$34.9927%
75137Carbon-Freezing ChamberStar Wars$29.00$44.99$15.9936%
75138Hoth AttackStar Wars$29.00$44.99$15.9936%
75135Obi-Wan's Jedi InterceptorStar Wars$29.00$44.99$15.9936%
75136Droid Escape PodStar Wars$29.00$44.99$15.9936%
75134Galactic Empire Battle PackStar Wars$15.00$22.99$7.9935%
75132First Order Battle PackStar Wars$15.00$22.99$7.9935%
75131Resistance Trooper Battle PackStar Wars$15.00$22.99$7.9935%
75133Rebel Alliance Battle PackStar Wars$15.00$22.99$7.9935%
76042SHIELD HelicarrierMarvel Super Heroes$475.00$499.99$24.995%
75827Firehouse HeadquartersGhostbusters$475.00$499.99$24.995%
76045Kryptonite InterceptionDC Comics Super Heroes$35.00$49.99$14.9930%
76047Black Panther PursuitMarvel Super Heroes$35.00$49.99$14.9930%
76048Iron Skull Sub AttackMarvel Super Heroes$35.00$49.99$14.9930%
70312Lance's Mecha HorseNexo Knights$23.00$34.99$11.9934%
70313Moltor's Lava SmasherNexo Knights$23.00$34.99$11.9934%
70315Clay's Rumble BladeNexo Knights$39.00$59.99$20.9935%
70327The King's MechNexo Knights$49.00$59.99$10.9918%
70317The FortrexNexo Knights$95.00$139.99$44.9932%
10580Deluxe Box of FunDuplo$69.00$69.99$.991%
10813Big Construction SiteDuplo$69.00$89.99$20.9923%
10812Truck & Tracked ExcavatorDuplo$20.00$29.99$9.9933%
10816My First Cars and TrucksDuplo$20.00$29.99$9.9933%
10725Lost TempleJuniors$29.00$39.99$10.9927%
10685Fire SuitcaseJuniors$29.00$39.99$10.9927%
10687Spider-Man HideoutJuniors$29.00$39.99$10.9927%
10683Road Work TruckJuniors$20.00$29.99$9.9933%
10680Garbage TruckJuniors$20.00$29.99$9.9933%
10724Batman & Superman vs. Lex LuthorJuniors$20.00$29.99$9.9933%
42040Fire PlaneTechnic$49.00$69.99$20.9930%
42050Drag RacerTechnic$69.00$99.99$30.9931%
42052Heavy Lift HelicopterTechnic$149.00$219.99$70.9932%
31049Twin Spin HelicopterCreator$25.00$39.99$14.9937%
31053Treehouse AdventuresCreator$35.00$49.99$14.9930%
31051Lighthouse PointCreator$59.00$79.99$20.9926%
21123The Iron GolemMinecraft$28.00$39.99$11.9930%
21126The WitherMinecraft$39.00$59.99$20.9935%
21124The End PortalMinecraft$59.00$89.99$30.9934%
41172The Water Dragon AdventureElves$20.00$29.99$9.9933%
41175Fire Dragon's Lava CaveElves$44.00$59.99$15.9927%
41176The Secret Market PlaceElves$58.00$79.99$21.9927%
41068Arendelle Castle CelebrationDisney Princess$68.00$89.99$21.9924%
41062Elsa's Sparkling Ice CastleDisney Princess$38.00$49.99$11.9924%
41066Anna & Kristoff's Sleigh AdventureDisney Princess$30.00$39.99$9.9925%
10807Horse TrailerDuplo$20.00$29.99$9.9933%
41117Pop Star TV StudioFriends$20.00$29.99$9.9933%
41135Livi's Pop Star HouseFriends$54.00$79.99$25.9932%
41107Pop Star LimoFriends$26.00$39.99$13.9935%
41110Birthday PartyFriends$20.00$29.99$9.9933%
41118Heartlake SupermarketFriends$30.00$44.99$14.9933%
41119Heartlake Cupcake CafeFriends$42.00$59.99$17.9930%
41121Adventure Camp RaftingFriends$30.00$44.99$14.9933%
41095Emma's HouseFriends$68.00$99.99$31.9932%

Thanks to everybody who made sure we didn’t miss this.

13 thoughts on “2016 Toy Sales – All The Deals From Big W

  1. Kon Reply

    Ghostbusters HQ Big W exclusive that really annoying and only 5% off better to get it from S@H with double VIP points

    • Xy Reply

      It’s also THE BEST for those poor plebs of us that can’t afford to drop $500 bucks at one time on a Lego purchase 🙂

    • Monty Reply

      I’m disappointed as well. Had hoped Myer or Target with a 20% off sale. Here’s hoping they have a sale greater than 5%. Will just have to wait and see, otherwise save my pennies for double VIP.

  2. Sam Reply

    Yes. Another slap in the face from LEGO Australia allowing the Ghostbusters HQ to be exclusive to Big W.
    A store that doesn’t do 20% off sales!!!
    Would have been great to pick this up at a DJ’s 20% off sale.
    The frustrations are nearly reaching boiling point…..
    Here’s hoping the $500 Technic Porsche 911 GT3 is not exclusive to Big W when released to retail in Spring later this year.

    • Monty Reply

      Interesting – as I cannot purchase anything from DJ’s and I find they have very few sales. (They are not located close to me, and the only set I want from them ‘Ferris Wheel’ always seems to be ‘out of stock’ during their 20% online sales). So now (having had a night to think about it 🙂 ) I am looking at saving Big W gift cards when they have a decent percent discount – to help offset (can always use them on other sets if I get GB HQ from Lego S&H).

  3. scates Reply

    Those buying Big W gift cards for the GB HQ be warned, there is no guarantee they will have much stock.

  4. Roy Reply

    Hmmm…Big W has never been good when it comes to selling the BIG exclusive sets. I went to my local Big W last year 5minutes after it opened to try get my hands on the helicarrier and was told that they had apaprently been sold. Then I rang up 3 other stores and I got the same response “none in stock.” I’m beginning to think it’s a scam to get people into the stores because I have never seen any big exclusive sets ever in store. Does anyone out there ever seen one in stores? I’ve heard that they only get 2 sets per store in which case would make sense why I’ve never seen it on the shelf.

    Another reason I think it’s a scam and not really lego related was that also last year in their catalogue they advertised the Tranformers Combiner Wars Devastator for $200 when it hasn’t even been released yet. No surprised it was already “sold out” when I logged into their website 10 pass midnight and also wasn’t available in any stores for obvious reason.

    Now they’re doing it again this year advertising the transformers Fortress Maximus http://www.lasoo.com.au/catalogue/big-brand-toy-sale/56uzs3xzc.html?pid=promotedCatalogue#pageview=2&pageNo=18 when it’s not even out yet lol. It’s scheduled to be released around September 30.

    • Andrew Reply

      One of my three local BigW definitely has all three exclusives. The other two didn’t (yet) or the teenage employee didn’t know. Call your local and see what they say.

  5. G Reply

    They do indeed get stock how ever limited the numbers are. I assume Lego itself determines the supply but they’re not exactly going to swamp the shelves with $500 sets when that’s not realistic for the majority of people who shop there to lay-by for Christmas. Definitely ring your local the day prior to the sale to confirm the sets are there to be put out.

  6. Marcus Bandholz Reply

    Travelling for work at the moment in NSW, spotted 2 ghostbusters HQ’s in Singleton Big W. The exclusives are out there…..

  7. terry Reply

    Big W Carindale had good stock levels when for the sand crawler, gb ha and helicarrier when the store opened at 8. There was still a few of each left by 8.30. Much more organised than previous sales.

  8. Gary Reply

    I tried the KMart Price Promise tonight at Burwood NSW and the store manager told me I needed to have the physical catalogue to get the deal. Sort of defeats the purpose if I have to go to BigW to get the catalogue just to return to KMart to pay the same amount. I can understand if it was a dodgy website sale but I showed him the bigw.com.au site and….. not interested. I think I’ll be calling KMart management sometime about this…

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