2016 Toy Sales – All The Deals From Toys R Us

Period: June 22 – July 12 2016

Big Ticket Items: Range of TRU exclusives

Christmas Lay-by: Yes

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Things are heating up in the 2016 Toy Sales now, with a third retailer entering the fray. This offering from Toys R Us doesn’t seem to have the wow factor of some other sales but there are some solid prices across a range of themes.

Toys R Us are also offering a price beat promise during the sale. If you find a lower advertised price on an item in the catalogue, they will beat it by 10%. I’ll be checking off the items against the other catalogues to make sure you can take advantage of that (if possible).

You can see the listing of all the sets in the catalogue below.

ThumbSet #Set NameThemePriceFull RRPFull RRP DiscDisc %
10820Creative Building BasketDuplo$59.99$59.99$00%
60112Fire EngineCity$59.99$59.99$00%
70732City of StiixNinjago$169.99$179.99$106%
10705Creative Building Basket ^Classic$64.95$69.99$5.047%
1070032x32 Green BaseplateClassic$9.99$12.99$323%
1070148x48 Grey BaseplateClassic$16.99$19.99$315%
10698Large Creative Brick BoxClassic$48.99$69.99$2130%
41109Heartlake AirportFriends$119.99$129.99$108%
41134Heartlake Performance SchoolFriends$119.99$129.99$108%
41119Heartlake Cupcake CafeFriends$41.99$59.99$1830%
41118Heartlake SupermarketFriends$35.99$44.99$920%
41121Adventure Camp RaftingFriends$35.99$44.99$920%
10723Ariel's Dolphin CarriageJuniors$18.39$22.99$4.620%
10729Cinderella's CarriageJuniors$23.99$29.99$620%
41106Pop Star Tour BusFriends$63.99$79.99$1620%
7499Flexible TrackCity$23.99$29.99$620%
7895Switch TracksCity$19.99$24.99$520%
60107Fire Ladder TruckCity$19.99$29.99$1033%
60109Fire BoatCity$87.99$109.99$2220%
60096Deep Sea Operations BaseCity$119.99$129.99$108%
10608Spider-Man Spider Truck AdventureDuplo$35.99$44.99$920%
10617My First FarmDuplo$23.99$29.99$620%
70325Infernox captures the Queen ^Nexo Knights$39.99$49.99$1020%
70312Lance's Mecha HorseNexo Knights$27.99$34.99$720%
70313Moltor's Lava SmasherNexo Knights$27.99$34.99$720%
70316Jestro's Evil MobileNexo Knights$69.99$89.99$2022%
70317The FortrexNexo Knights$94.99$139.99$4532%
75135Obi-Wan's Jedi InterceptorStar Wars$35.99$44.99$920%
75136Droid Escape PodStar Wars$35.99$44.99$920%
75137Carbon-Freezing ChamberStar Wars$35.99$44.99$920%
75138Hoth AttackStar Wars$35.99$44.99$920%
75086Battle Droid Troop CarrierStar Wars$59.99$69.99$1014%
75096Sith InfiltratorStar Wars$149.99$159.99$106%
75142Homing Spider DroidStar Wars$64.99$69.99$57%
76045Kryptonite InterceptionDC Comics Super Heroes$39.99$49.99$1020%
76047Black Panther PursuitMarvel Super Heroes$39.99$49.99$1020%
76048Iron Skull Sub AttackMarvel Super Heroes$39.99$49.99$1020%
31046Fast CarCreator$23.99$29.99$620%
31047Propeller PlaneCreator$23.99$29.99$620%
42040Fire PlaneTechnic$48.99$69.99$2130%
31050Corner DeliCreator$49.99$59.99$1017%
21302The Big Bang TheoryIdeas$79.99$89.99$1011%
42049Mine LoaderTechnic$59.99$69.99$1014%
42050Drag RacerTechnic$68.99$99.99$3131%

1 thought on “2016 Toy Sales – All The Deals From Toys R Us

  1. Sergie Reply

    What’s going on with the price of 60112? The RRP at Lego Shop is $59.99, and Toys R Us said in its catalogue, it is $59.99 after a $10 discount. They are actully selling something that is $10 more than the RRP.

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