75098 Assault On Hoth Coming To Target

Whenever a new large exclusive set is revealed one of the first questions is always whether it will be coming to retail or not. Thanks to a product page on the Target website we now know that Target is going to be stocking 75098 Assault on Hoth soon.

There is still some debate about Target’s Toy Sale plans, but this set could be their big ticket item. Hopefully it will be available for some point at less than the $399 regular price. For $399 it might be better value to get it from LEGO online and score one of their regular bonuses and VIP points.

75098 Assault On Hoth Target Page

Via https://www.target.com.au/p/lego-reg-star-wars-assault-on-hoth-trade-75-98/59239963

Thanks to Trev for sharing this.

5 thoughts on “75098 Assault On Hoth Coming To Target

  1. Ken Reply

    I noticed 76056 – the Batman Ra’s Al Ghul set listed on Kmart’s website. Not sure if exclusive to them?

    • Michael Post authorReply

      Hard to say – it depends on the agreement that the retailer and LEGO have in place. I believe the Ewok Village still hasn’t been seen outside of Target stores.

  2. Tony Reply

    It will be interesting to see what happens to this set (and any other large exclusive sets) that seemed to be planned for the annual toy sale, as the toy sale has apparently been axed as part of Target changing its business strategy to be more successful like Kmart

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