Australian Price For 75159 Death Star Confirmed

While people are still divided on the set itself we now have the most important piece of information for anybody still on the fence – the Australian RRP.

75159 Death Star will cost us $799.99. VIPs can order it online from September 15th.

75159 Australian Price

The previous version of the Death Star (10188) was available for $598 during the 2014 Big W Toy Sale. $799.99 is quite the jump in price for a remake just two years later.


8 thoughts on “Australian Price For 75159 Death Star Confirmed

  1. lifeinbrisvegas Reply

    Passed on the first, easy pass on this. My wallet breathes a sigh of relief.

    I have a very beaten up Kenner Death Star which I was given around 1983, that is the ultimate Death Star playset.

  2. JJ Reply

    That price is ridiculous! I would have got it otherwise.

    nearing 20cents per piece!


  3. Angela Reply

    If you buy it in the USA in a sales tax free state, even with currency conversion fees it comes in well under $700. If I was anywhere near considering this set, that’s the only way I’d do it.

  4. Sam Reply

    A Truely Outrageous Price!!!!
    Rather spend $1,000 on the GB Firehouse & Disney Castle.
    The fact that you can pick up 2 quality Ewok Villages with change than spending $800 on 1 set says at a lot!
    Wouldn’t give this set the time of day.
    Lift your game LEGO in 2017 with better quality Star Wars sets with a decent price tag.

  5. Mark Reply

    The previous version was $700 AUD rrp and was released 8 years ago. I don’t think comparing it to the Big W clearance sale is a very fair comparison, particularly when Big W had bugger all stock at that price. Another factor to consider is that our dollar was almost at parity with the USD when it was initially released back in 2008, now it’s worth 25-30% less. There are 200 more pieces. There are more (and updated) minifigs. Inflation. The cost of shipping is now higher, particularly such a huge set. I would imagine imagine licensing costs would now be much higher too. Would I buy it? No, it’s too pricey for me. But clearly a lot of people bought the previous version. I’m lamenting they didn’t use the opportunity to give it more ‘display’ value but I think all the public rage on the price increase is unjustified given what I said above. Yes there are much better ‘value’ large sets available if price per part is your only metric for value. I’m sure TLG are more than happy for you to spend your money on those too ????

    • Michael Post authorReply

      My comment about the Big W sale price was more about lamenting the missed opportunity, not a suggestion that the new one should be that price too. I’ve been planning a follow-up article looking at the pricing in more detail, I just haven’t had a chance

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