Warning – LEGO Batman Movie Spoilers Are Out

Over the weekend preview screenings for The LEGO Batman Movie took place in regions where the film is released soon. These preview screenings mean that there are a heap of reviews and opinions online.

With the Australian release of the film not until March 30th we have a long wait to try and avoid spoilers. Here are a few tips;

If you can resist the temptation don’t read any reviews, if you can’t resist then try and find reviews that specifically mention that they are spoiler free.

Don’t read the comments
Nothing good happens in comment sections. Even a review that is spoiler free can have a jerk posting spoilers in the comments.

Social media
This morning the LEGO Facebook page had a post about the film. With over a hundred comments there are sure to be people discussing key plot points. Any twitter hashtags are likely to also be a minefield.

Be careful what you Google
This one got me with The LEGO Movie. I googled the name of the movie to try and find something. The top result was a news article spoiling the end of the movie.

If possible try and use more words in your searches for example “LEGO Batman Movie Sets Big W” instead of just “The LEGO Batman Movie”.

Good luck out there

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