LEGO Build Your Own Adventure Books At Aldi

Aldi aren’t known for stocking LEGO but from time to time we get LEGO related items show up in their special buys range.

The special buys that kicked off today (December 13th) feature a series of Build Your Own Adventure books. These books are great because not only do they actually include LEGO bricks they also provide a heap of building inspiration.

Aldi BYOA 13122017

With the special buy launching today your local store may still have a lot or none, such is the nature of their specials. Sorry I didn’t get a chance to post this earlier today.

Each book will set you back $16.99

There are 4 different books on offer, including a few that I have had a chance to review:

  • Nexo Knights with Robin’s Mech (See review)
  • DC Super Heroes with John Stewart Green Lantern (See review)
  • Friends with Liza and her car (See review)
  • Star Wars with Y-Wing
  • City with Fire Truck

Thanks to Trevor for telling me about this.

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