On Sale: Selected Sets Reduced At Target

I got some interesting information from Target this morning – they are reducing the prices on a range of sets for the next 4 weeks. Most of these are sets that have been reduced before but the deep discounts make these worth checking out.

These prices are valid online and in-store but unfortunately not all of the sets are available online.

The prices should be valid until June 28th or while stock lasts.

You can see the full list with prices below but here’s what is available online:

 Set #NameThemePriceRRPRRP DiscDisc %
76052Batman Classic TV Series - BatcaveDC Comics Super Heroes$199.00$399.99$200.9950%
75098Assault on HothStar Wars$199.00$399.99$200.9950%
70906The Joker Notorious LowriderThe LEGO Batman Movie$49.00$89.99$40.9946%
10854Creative BoxDuplo$29.00$59.99$30.9952%
10805Around the WorldDuplo$99.00$159.99$60.9938%
75189First Order Heavy Assault WalkerStar Wars$99.00$229.99$130.9957%
60131Crooks IslandCity$20.00$49.99$29.9960%

2 thoughts on “On Sale: Selected Sets Reduced At Target

  1. Gary C Priestley Reply

    The photo you show for the Heavy Walker does not match the set number which is 75177 i think…

    • Michael Post authorReply

      The set on sale is 75189 First Order Heavy Assault Walker, the one pictured that looks like an AT-AT. 75177 is the smaller weird looking walker.

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