Big W Has Some Decent Clearance Offers

Big W has a range of sets marked down to what they are calling clearance prices. Overall the discounts aren’t incredible, but they do have the 20th anniversary Slave I for just $99.

I’ve heard a few people mention that they can’t see the $99 price for the Slave I so I apologise in advance if you can’t see it. It seems to be related to your local click and collect options.

You can see the full clearance range here.

Thanks to Alyssa for the heads up.

7 thoughts on “Big W Has Some Decent Clearance Offers

  1. Magmafrost13 Reply

    Hmm, I cant see the Slave I in their store *at all*. I managed to get to its page though and apparently no stores near me have any stock of the set at all. So it seems like it wont show you a set if its not in stock in any nearby stores? which seems like a really crappy design

  2. Xavier Reply

    Range of sets: basically All of Lego Movie 2 plus a couple of others šŸ™‚

    • Chill Reply

      I was getting the same issue 29/8 am but checked again in the pm and can see 38 items, including the Slave I.

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