LEGO Ideas Review Results – 3 New Sets Announced

Overnight the LEGO Ideas team announced the results of the latest review. This review covered sets from the third 2019 period.

In total there were 12 sets included in the review and 3 have passed, meaning they will eventually hit shelves.

Here are the 3 sets coming soon…

Home Alone. McCallister’s House


This is one that I did not expect at all. While I like Home Alone I never really thought that it needed a LEGO set. The build looks great and should end up being a fairly big set if LEGO doesn’t change it too much.

LEGO Typewriter


I quite like when a non-licensed project manages to get over the line in LEGO Ideas. I think the typewriter could be an interesting set when the final product lands.

Seinfeld 30th Anniversary


Congratulations to Australia’s own Brent Waller, the designer behind this project. Brent’s name may be familiar to people who have been following LEGO Ideas for a while – he is the designer of the Ghostbusters ECTO-1 product.

I am personally not a huge Seinfeld fan but I know it has a huge following out there.

Which of these 3 sets are you most excited to get?

Unfortunately, while 3 sets did pass there were 9 that didn’t make the cut. I am not surprised by a lot that didn’t pass but I was personally hoping that Planet Express would get over the line.


More information can be found here.


10 thoughts on “LEGO Ideas Review Results – 3 New Sets Announced

  1. Andrea M Reply

    Not excited about Seinfeld, interested to see what the Home Alone set ends up looking like, sad Planet Express didn’t make it.

  2. Nava MacDonald Reply

    Seinfeld, yes!!!! If any sitcom show deserves a set, it’s Seinfeld. By far the funniest TV show I’ve seen, and much more so than Big Bang Theory and Friends.

    Not interested at all in the other sets. Sure, Home Alone is a nice movie but how many people are really going to be spending $300+ AUD on yet another big house (and a house that lacks any extraordinary exterior design to make it striking).

  3. Daniel Reply

    I really expected nothing to pass this round. I love that nobody knows anything when it comes to predicting what will pass.
    Along with the Piano, the Typewriter is a cool real world object with functionality.
    IP is not my thing in general, but hopefully there are plenty of playability in the Home Alone set with all the traps to catch burglars.
    Seinfeld is much respected amongst Comedians and Comedy Geeks, often cited as one of the best sitcoms and ground breaking in its time. It was kind of a ying and yang thing Between Seinfeld and Friends in the 90s. I hated Seinfeld initially but appreciated and loved it over time. I don’t think it was big in the UK, they had their own shows like Ab Fab and Blackadder which were far superior in my opinion. American comedy at the time seemed to need to cater to the egos of the main actors, making them look cool (Seinfeld in Seinfeld, Aniston in Friends) where as British comedy felt no obligation to make their characters likeable and could find comedic potential in their faults (think of Black Books for example). It is why peripheral characters In American sitcoms are usually more interesting than main characters. Though this has changed more recently. Americans also make 26 episodes a year instead of 6, so the UK focuses on quality over quantity with a smaller team of writers to keep the vision more focused.
    I would have loved the Futurama set, but my shelves are bulging with LEGO as it is. There’s got to be a term for a LEGO fan finding pleasure out of a wave of sets having nothing they want, because it means they can fill in with buying older sets.

  4. Monty Reply

    First time I have not been remotely interested in Ideas sets. The typewriter may tempt me, depending on the final model, but I suspect not.

    They are all great sets, and my wallet may breath a sigh of relief this time around !

    • Andrew Reply

      Agreed. The CFO always stresses at Ideas time, as it seems we inevitably pick them up. Seinfeld is just another Central Park scenario – unless you’re a fan it’s just a bunch of Minifigures in a room. Home Alone is likely to be big and expensive, and possibly not offer much that other recent large Ideas sets haven’t done extremely well. Another for fans only I think. The typewriter may be worth it for the novelty value, like the piano. It’s the only one of these three I’d consider.

  5. sterow Reply

    Seinfeld is a pleasant surprise. I know Friends sold very well, but I thought maybe the apartment would be too plain a setting. (And Daniel, I could go back and forth on British vs American comedy – but I’ll just say I love plenty of both, and seasons 3 to 5 of Seinfeld are IMO one of the best runs of shows any comedy ever did.)

    Planet Express seemed like an obviously appealing set. I wonder if Futurama doesn’t have the cultural currency any more needed to make a set a big seller? It feels like it’s been forgotten a bit.

  6. Sebastian Reply

    I was very happy that these three models got selected. I am interested to see what the Lego team can add to the models and how much they are going to be modified. Personally I would look towards buying them all but Seinfeld more as gifts for the friends that are obsessed with the show.

  7. Matt Reply

    A Larry David polybag promotion with the Seinfeld house would be magnificent

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