Update 2 – 10am 16/09: I have spoken to LEGO Australia and they aren’t sure why this was changed. It’s been escalated to the global team but due to timezones it might be a while before I get any response.
UPDATE: So it seems LEGO changed the date? The website is now saying available September 17th while the press release originally said the 16th. Maybe stay up until midnight but if it doesn’t become available head to bed.
By this point in time we all know that the Australian LEGO warehouse holds about 10 of each popular new release set, so I can say with some confidence that the 75290 Mos Eisley Cantina set is going to sell out during the VIP pre-release. That VIP pre-release should start in just a few hours at midnight AEST.
You’ll be able to get yours from here when it goes live for $529.99 [affiliate link]
That’s untrue. You really think only 10?
Just a bit of hyperbole for dramatic effect.
The website is saying the 17th now, any word on if it’ll be midnight tonight or maybe tomorrow night?
On the lego website said 17th that’s Thursday lol
They keep changing it! I swear it was originally the 16th.
How do you access special release sets as a VIP?
Such a late change to the date, after all the press. Poor form LEGO.
And now at 6am the LEGO site has removed the VIP access details completely?
They’re just trolling us now.
The trolling has moved to email! 🙂
At 10.15am the Lego VIP Programme emailed us that VIP access is on for 17/9, and that Yoda’s Lightsaber will be the free gift with purchase.
The website:
1. still makes no mention of VIP access being available at all now
2. tells me to create a Lego ID, when I’m already logged in
3. is informing me with a banner on price changes due to a reduction in Irish VAT, that when you click takes you to a “COVID-19 Update” page
Ahhhhh!!!! Oh LEGO! Why have you forsaken me? 🙂
Hello. I am new to this. What is the benefit of ordering this kit tomorrow rather than waiting for 1 October? Is there a risk of missing out on 1 October? Is there a gift included for ordering on 17 September? Colin
Often a popular set will sell out during the VIP pre-release window.
Thanks for the quick reply, Michael. It seems a funny way to run a business. Would Lego make more $ selling to meet the need? I will be online at midnight. Good luck getting one. Colin
Any word on whether Australian buyers will get the Yoda lightsaber gift with purchase?
So they said the 16th, then they changed it to the 17th. Then the notice disappears, mystifying everyone in the process. Nothing can possibly surprise me now except for the scenario where Lego don’t release the set tonight for VIPS and we are left gasping for air.
An anxious evening up ahead.
If it’s really not available till October I might hold off and wait till they have 2x VIP points (usually mid-October) unless there is an amazing GWP (of course risk then is they don’t have stock during the double VIP promo).
From memory they had enough of Betrayal at Cloud City that it could be nabbed for 2x points in October.
Just got an email from Lego answering my own question.
Rang them and the word was that they have no stock so no date for VIP access. was not happy
US site unable to order but can go to Asia and Europe sites an order just can’t ship it to usa
Plenty available everyone, with VIP and gift. Enjoy!
Did it add the light saber to your cart when you purchased it
I got one with the free light saber 6346098. Thanks for your advice.
OOS this morning – does anyone know what time they ran out?