LEGO Masters Season 3 – Episode 3 Recap

It’s elimination night. Always tough to see a team go home but unfortunately we can’t just watch every team build night after night with no outcome.

The teams arrive to discover Hamish and Brickman enclosed in a giant bubble. Do they have COVID? Is this a quarantine thing? No it’s the theme of tonights build. Each team will have to build something inside a snow globe.


Scott and Owen get to head out for the day. I hope they have a nice time.

Having to build within a limited bubble could be an interesting challenge.

At the end of the day the teams will see their build come to life with snow. The smart teams will factor this in to their build. You’ve always got to think about the end result. This is for TV!

Teams have 10 hours for their build.

The snow globes don’t look that big. I think the key will be to make good use of that limited space.

Jess and Anthony are going with a Christmas build. This works with the snow but it might be a bit predictable.


Harrison and Michael are doing another Christmas build. It’s a Christmas-off. I kind of like the novelty approach over the classic style.

What other TV show has discussion about realistic nipples? Maybe MAFS I guess.

Gus and David are doing a large scale fox. This could be fantastic. Or terrible. Animals aren’t easy.

Atlanta and Jeff are a bit stumped. Not a great time for it. Is this foreshadowing of who is first out? Hope they can work something out soon.


Atlanta gets them back on track with Stonehenge. I like the idea. But on a side-note is there is a lot of travel involved in being a luxury dice consultant?

Gabby and Ryan really want the win to get rid of THE BRICK OF DOOM. They are going with Ned Kelly. I like the idea of a dodgy tourist snow globe that doesn’t make sense.

Dawei’s fly is undone. I don’t know why they left that in?

Amy and Dawei are doing a ship stuck in the ice. If they can pull off a great ship this could be a contender. They do seem to be chewing up a lot of time just on the hull.

Fleur and Sarah are doing a pretty, girly Ice Ballerina. This will all come down to the character. They are also trying to do Power Functions. Always a risk.


Gus and David are making great progress. That fox looks super cute! They should have plenty of time to refine and perfect it.
“It’s cute as fox”.

Hamish and Brickman come out with some fantastic costumes. The winner gets to pat Hamish. That sounds weird out of context.

Dawei and Amy could be in trouble. Brickman has a point that they should have built up from the baseplate. If the ship is stuck in the ice how cool would it look if it was sticking up at a weird angle?

Sarah and Fleur are having issues with the weight of their build. Without the spin they could drop to the bottom of the pack.

Atlanta and Jeff could be in trouble. Their build might be a bit bland compared to the other teams.

Dawei and Amy are also having weight problems. Brickbuilt sails are heavier than fabric ones. Obviously. Gotta have sails.

Harrison and Michael could win this. Their build is looking great. They have had time to refine and add little details.

Another team that have had time to refine is Gus and David. Their fox is awesome still.


Jess and Anthony’s build looks a bit underwhelming at first but the reindeer definitely elevate it.

The Ned Kelly build is a bit odd in terms of scale. A kind of see both sides of this. It’s meant to be a tacky gift shop thing.

Ryan seems to be hanging out by himself in the brick pit leaving Gabby alone to stress about their build.

Sarah and Fleur are about to test their ballerina. With 15 minutes to go? I feel like this should have been tested earlier. If it doesn’t work they could have to play their platinum brick already.

Thankfully it works! My only concern is that the rest of their build isn’t amazing me.

They decide its time to go spy on all the other teams. They seem a little concerned.

With like 10 minutes to go Brickman is suggesting a change for Harrison and Michael’s build. I bet they loved that.

David and Gus cover their fox with the globe and this looks fantastic. Hopefully it doesn’t get lost in the snow. Still thinking this could be today’s winner.

Atlanta and Jeff could be in trouble here. Their Stonehenge is a bit over-greebled in my opinion. Over-greebling is a bit of a pet hate of mine.

There’s a huge crash! Is it a build. No it’s just Dawei falling over.

Two minutes to go and Harris and Michael have got the umbrella built.

Everybody gets their domes on. Except Dawei and Amy who are running down the clock to the final second. The other teams are helping! So nice.

Now it all comes down to how the end results look with the snow.

Amy and Dawei


Their ship looks pretty good. It really takes up a lot of the globe. That could limit how the snow works.

The story elements are cute too.

The snow hits and it’s actually better than I expected. These two are safe. Could be a contender.

Michael and Harrison


I think this could be another contender. It’s a great looking build and is a heap of fun.

The snow doesn’t become part of the story but it works as a large scale real snowglobe.

Jeff and Atlanta

I think this is in trouble. It’s a bit bland and unexciting. I still think it’s over-greebled too.

The snow doesn’t really save this.

Fleur and Sarah


I like this conceptually more than the execution of it. The ballerina is great and they got the spinning working but the rest of it is a bit of a mess. I can’t really work out what is going on. I would have done like a wooden music box.

It looks pretty with the snow. Overall though I’m unsure of it. I think they are safe but not a top build.

Jess and Anthony


A very different Christmas build. There is a lot going on but I am a fan overall.

It looks great with the snow. The snow actually makes it seem less cluttered somehow.

Middle of the pack.

Ryan and Gabby

I actually don’t mind this one. It feels like something you’d buy in a gift shop.

I don’t think the scale issue is a killer.

David and Gus


The fox is adorable. The gamble of a single sculpture has totally paid off.

It looks great with the snow. Could be the winner today.

Brickman is crying. Yeah they win. End the show now.

Now for the results…

The top two teams are David and Gus (obviously) and Michael and Harrison. This seems like a fair call.

David and Gus obviously take it out and Brickman is crying again.


But this is an elimination and there has to be a loser.

Sarah and Fleur decide not to play their platinum brick. I don’t think they are bottom two.

The bottom two are… Atlanta and Jeff as well as Gabby and Ryan.

Atlanta and Jeff are the first team out. Which I think is the right choice today.


Everybody is crying. You’re probably crying just reading this recap!

4 thoughts on “LEGO Masters Season 3 – Episode 3 Recap

  1. Dave Reply

    I’m completely with you. I can easily imagine that as a real Ned Kelly Australiana kitsch souvenir.

  2. Dave Reply

    And yeah, the show heavily relied on editing today didn’t it? Especially when they try to dramatise the ‘creative block’ where interviews where they say they’re 2hrs in are shown after the halfway mark.

    They seem to have learned from last year where models ‘facing severe time challenges’ were visible almost finished in the background of other contestants.

  3. Riss Reply

    I am with you too, re the Ned Kelly. The scale was perfect for a kitsch souvenir. I thought Brickman was unfair in his assessment of this. That being said, The Fox was divine.

  4. Nelson Reply

    I liked Gabby and Ryan’s so much that it was top two for me, I liked it better than Aussie Santa. I don’t think the scale was an issue at all, it was intentional after all

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