Canberra LEGO store opening mid-August at the earliest

A new job ad for staff members at Canberra’s up-coming LEGO store may have confirmed that the store is due to open in mid-August at the earliest.


The listing specifies that the various roles commence mid-August but it’s unclear what sort of training period is included. I would assume there would be at least a week, meaning the store may not open until late August or early September.

If you are interested in working at the store you can find the job listing here.

5 thoughts on “Canberra LEGO store opening mid-August at the earliest

  1. squidy74squidy74 Reply

    It’s interesting they are referring to it as a “flagship” store, have they done that for all the others? Usually Lego Brand Flagship stores are something more then the average, will be interesting to see.

  2. Andrew Reply

    Thanks for the heads up, Michael. Given they announced it in March I thought it might have been a bit sooner, but better late than never I guess. Last time I went into the Canberra Centre it wasn’t obvious where it was going to be, perhaps it’s a bit further advanced now.

    • Andrew W Reply

      When I was there yesterday, it looks like it is going to be directly across from Platypus, and next to Dangerfield and the walkway to the bathrooms on the ground level, as well as directly across the road from Cotton On, if you know where that is. Not the largest area in the world but I guess we’ll see what happens 🙂

      • Andrew Reply

        Thank you. That seems a strange spot, the street makes a very cold wind tunnel in winter ;). I suppose it is near the entrance and at the bottom of the escalators, but I know I tend to avoid the ground floor when it’s cold. Perhaps that’s why a September opening is mooted ;).

        I’ve not been to any of the exiting stores but I’m told they’re all quite small compared to what we see in company-owned stores elsewhere.

  3. Nino Reply

    Are they still giving out the lego brand store set at store openings?

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