Quick Take: 40450 Lion Dance Guy

LEGO has really embraced Chinese New Year over the last few years with some absolutely fantastic sets. Is it a cynical ploy to win over the Chinese market? Of course. But it means we get cool stuff so who’s complaining?

Part of the 2022 lineup is 40540 Lion Dance Guy. This is a single Brickheadz set so I am not going to go into a huge spiel about it. Time for a quick take.

If you are a fan of the Brickheadz theme then you are going to want to pick this one up. If you are a fan of the Chinese New Year sets then you are also probably going to want to pick this one up.

The body is standard brickhead but where this set really shines is the lion costume. The costume really captures the aesthetic of a tradition lion dance costume. There is a great use of rounded quarter tiles add detailing in red.

The eyes are a great use of printing.

There are a couple of accessories included on the base; a set of drums and a lantern. Both really help round out the scene.

This set is priced at $15.99 which is that “if you want it why not get it” price point. Unfortunately this is an exclusive so you will need to head to your nearest LEGO Certified Store if you want to pick it up, or order online.

This set was sent to me by LEGO. Opinions are my own.

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