Exclusive Vespa 125 offer for Bricking Around readers

Are you looking to pick up the 10298 LEGO Vespa 125 but don’t want to pay RRP? Well you are in luck as the good folk at Zavvi have set up an exclusive discount code for Bricking Around readers.

The RRP for this set is $169.99 but you can get if for $149.99 with free shipping. To take advantage of the deal enter the code BRICKINGVESPA at checkout.

While this isn’t the biggest discount that’s an extra $20 you can spend on one of the other great new releases.

You can find the Vespa here.

This code is valid until Friday 4th 12pm UK time, which should be 10PM Brisbane time.

This article contains an affiliate link.

2 thoughts on “Exclusive Vespa 125 offer for Bricking Around readers

  1. Paul heaney Reply

    Soory but zavvi have got a terrible name. They are not to be trusted. They took my money and never delivered .only answers were from bots.

  2. paul heaney Reply

    Please don’t trust Zavvi. They take your money and then never deliver. I ordered last year and it took 5 months of frustration till they finally refunded my money. The only contact is via website and the answers are all from BOTs. Don’t trust them. it’s not worth it.

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