40649 Up-Scaled LEGO Minifigure – Should you buy it?

In 2019 LEGO released an up-scaled LEGO minifigure that was billed as a tribute to the iconic design. In 2023 they’ve shone a light on all of that version’s shortcomings.

When 853967 Wooden Minifigure was released there was a lot of fanfare. There was a whole campaign of people customising them, including in person pop-up events. It was all a bit much for a $179.99 piece of wood with plastic hands. I have 853967 and think it’s ok. I stuck googly eyes on mine. It’s meant to be a sophisticated statement piece.

40649 Up-Scaled Minifigure on the other hand is an $80 pile of system LEGO pieces that combine to create a big minifigure. If I had to pick I’d take this one on my desk over the other any day of the week.

Building an Icon

Occasionally things designed to be display pieces can be a bit boring to build. That is not the case for 40649 at all. It’s not a complicated build and you will be able to complete it in a night but it’s just a heap of fun seeing the various limbs come together. You can’t help but appreciate the build as you progress. Every LEGO fan knows every facet of the minifigure shape and seeing things like the curve of the arm replicated evoke a child-like sense of fun.

When I originally saw pictures of this I was worried that the face was going to be a sticker but I am pleased to report that this is a printed element.

Strike a pose

40649 Up-Scaled Minifigure has the same level of articulation as a standard minifigure.

Each leg can move independently.

As do the arms.

Hands can be rotated. Head can be spun around.

It allows you to have your minifigure posing however you want, rather than it being a static monolith.

Keep it under your hat

Not content with just having a big minifigure LEGO decided to add an extra level of whimsy to the set. Lift up the hat and you will find a control room for the standard size minifigure to pilot the up-scaled one. I was surprised that the control room fit under the hat as it’s actually got quite a bit to it, with multiple control panels and levers.

My son was quite impressed by the big minifigure on it’s own, but when I told him to lift up the hat for the surprise reveal his eyes lit up. The wooden minifigure was never whimsical, despite LEGO’s attempts to market it that way.

So, should you buy it?

Yes absolutely you should buy it. The price is decent (although not readily available on sale). The build experience is satisfying. And the finished model not only has fantastic detailing it is most importantly fun.

View at LEGO.com

1 thought on “40649 Up-Scaled LEGO Minifigure – Should you buy it?

  1. Morris Reply

    The Upscaled Minifig is one of my favourite sets.
    I hunted down the Harry Potter and Hermoine Granger set too. And I’ve made an upscaled version of the minifig I made of me.
    I’m really enjoying making upscaled versions of items for it. I’ve removed the hat and added the top of his head.

    I hope we get more sets like this

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